Tag Archives: Small Business

Dan Langshaw’s Testimony before the Ohio House Finance Committee on HB 110 on March 11, 2021

Former North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw and former Treasurer for the Northeast Ohio City Council Association testified before the Ohio House Finance Committee on House Bill 110 the state operating budget for FY 2022 and FY 2023 at the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on March 11, 2021. He urged lawmakers for more COVID-19 relief funding for local governments, small businesses, and Ohioans in the budget. He also described what areas of the budget were positive and other areas needing to be improved upon before the General Assembly approves the overall state budget before the June 30th deadline.

Click Here to view Dan Langshaw’s full testimony.

Click Here and forward to the 55:56 mark to view the video of Dan Langshaw’s testimony.

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North Royalton Small Business Owners COVID-19 Relief Fund Announced

Press Release From Contact:

Honorable Dan Langshaw
Candidate, North Royalton City Council Ward 3

North Royalton Small Business Owners COVID-19 Relief Fund Announced


(North Royalton, Ohio)—Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” Taking that to heart former North Royalton Councilman Dan Langshaw and candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council announced on MLK Day January 18, 2021 via a video on his Facebook page at Facebook.com/DanLangshawNR that he has officially launched a GoFundMe at gf.me/u/zfv9kd called the North Royalton Small Business Owners COVID-19 Relief Fund. The purpose of the fund is to provide much needed financial assistance to any small business owners in North Royalton, Ohio that have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic that need help to avoid closing their doors for good.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, 43% of small businesses surveyed believe that they have less than six months until a permanent shutdown is unavoidable. Which is why, Langshaw back in December of 2020 urged the North Royalton City Council during a Special Finance Committee Meeting on the 2021 City Budget to reallocate funds to help save struggling small businesses in North Royalton. Only to have it fall on deaf ears as the budget was stamped with the Council’s approval.

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