Tag Archives: North Royalton

North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: October 2021 (Volume 17)

Greetings Residents,Before I give my update for October I wanted to give you an update on the campaign front. We are less than 12 days away from the November 2, 2021 General Election. Vote by mail & early voting at the Board of Elections is well underway. As of yesterday, my campaign has officially reached a new milestone. I have now walked over 62 miles of Ward 3 on foot personally going door to door meeting with residents. I am truly humbled by the positive support of residents.

In the remaining days I will continue to work long hours meeting residents like you so that I can earn your vote and return back to serving you and your family on the North Royalton City Council for Ward 3.
If I have missed you when I knocked on your door in the last few months or if you have any questions for me. Please feel free to contact me directly on my cell at 440-785-4240 or email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com. I am more than willing to return back and meet with you at your home about my campaign. You can also learn more about me, my campaign, and my North Royalton Recovery Plan at www.DanLangshaw.com.

Finally, if you believe in my campaign and would like to make a donation to help me in the final stretch. You can Click Here to make a donation now. Any amount is appreciated. Or if you are willing to volunteer any amount of time to help me in these finally few days. You can Click Here to volunteer or request a FREE yard sign for your home or business.

Please make sure you VOTE!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

Election ALERT

Due to recent events that have occurred I would like to address the disgusting act of hate speech that has been brought to my attention.

There is a lot of dirty politics and hate going on in our city this election. Hit pieces from “anonymous” people who are most likely in power stoops even lower.

I want to be absolutely clear that my family and I do not condone this organized effort to slander, defame, spread false information, racism, and hate. Such behavior is extremely desperate in nature and disgusting. Like other candidates who have been targeted, I too am taking the proper steps to have this handled by the proper authorities in the proper venue. Unfortunately, I have learned folks will say anything at this point including things that are not even true or real to annihilate any opposition in our local government. Sadly, this all is just another example of why we need to work together to clean up our city hall this November 2nd.
I continue to meet with residents and focus on the issues that will make our city better for all of our families.

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Vote NO on Issue #49


What is Issue #49?

Proposed Charter Amendment
Shall Article XVII, Subsections (b) and (e) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to provide for the elimination of the run-off elections for Mayor and President of Council, and create a nonpartisan primary election to be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in May for the offices of Mayor and President of Council, in the event that there are three (3) or more candidates that have filed petitions for either office?

What does Issue #49 Do?

  • Amend Article XVII, Subsection (b) and to repeal Article XVII, subsection (e) regarding the current method of using a Runoff Election, replacing that section with a new Subsection (e) requiring a spring primary election in the event that more than two candidates file for the offices of Mayor and/or President of Council.
  • In 2008, North Royalton voters approved the run-off charter amendment, which is currently used, by a margin of more than two to one. The amendment changed the charter, allowing for a run-off election for the office of Mayor and/or President of Council when there are more than two candidates, but none receive at least 40% of the total votes. If that situation occurs, then a run-off election takes place on the first Tuesday in December of the top two candidates. The run-off election would only take place under that scenario.
  • The proposed charter amendment would require that the city hold a spring primary every time there are more than two candidates for the Mayoral or Council President race.
  • According to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections if this charter amendment is approved. A Spring Primary Election would cost North Royalton taxpayers over $75,000.

Reason why you should vote NO on Issue #49

  • According to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections if this issue was past the cost of a Special May Primary Election for Mayor and Council President would waste North Royalton taxpayers over $75,000.
  • The current system approved by voters back in 2008 by over 70% works. We have been able to select our mayor and council president without issue.  If it is not broken. Then don’t mess with it.
  • This charter amendment was not put on the ballot by the City Charter Review Commission but is being pushed by a select few on city council. Click Here to see who approved it.
  • As a former Chairman of the 2012 Charter Review Commission, this was not an issue then and has not been the last few after. 
  • If this charter amendment is approved it would allow for some members on council currently to run from a safe seat for Council President and Mayor. Then if said members are unsuccessful in such a possible scenario, they still be able to run in the November General Election to retain their seats. Click Here to learn more.
  • In another possible scenario if the incumbent Mayor and Council President lose in a Special May Primary. It would then create a situation of a Lame Duck Mayor and or Council President for seven months. Which the current city charter does not allow and past City Charter Review Commissions have worked hard to prevent happening because of concerns it would not be productive to the overall operations of the local government.
  • If approved Issue #49 will create longer campaign seasons in our city going from Winter to the Fall or longer.
  • The North Royalton Board of Education only has a November General Election and residents are able to select a winner in those races at a larger district level without issue or need of a Primary Election. 
  • The last decade or more North Royalton has NEVER been any need for a Spring Primary for the Mayor or Council President.

Letters to the Editor Against Issue #49

Date: May 23, 2021

Source: Cleveland.com
North Royalton mayoral primary would be a waste of money

On May 18, 2021, North Royalton City Council, in a 5-2 vote, approved Ordinance 21-81. This charter amendment would be on the Nov. 2, 2021, General Election ballot and would change the way our mayor and council president are elected in North Royalton.

If this new charter amendment is approved, it would add a special May primary election, with only the top two vote-getters for mayor and council president moving on to the November ballot.

A primary election would waste at least $40,000 to $100,000 or more of our taxpayer dollars just to pay for a special election.

This charter amendment only benefits the five individuals on council who voted for it and have higher ambitions as we get closer to the 2023 mayoral and council president elections. This will allow them to run from a safe seat for mayor or council president in future elections.

This charter amendment is fiscally irresponsible, confusing and self-serving. The money wasted on this proposed primary could be better used to fix our roads, stormwater issues, aid our struggling small businesses or provide more resources to our seniors.

I urge residents to vote NO on this charter amendment come Nov. 2.

Dan Langshaw


Date: October 7, 2021

Source: Royalton Recorder

I hope you will join me in voting NO on Issue 49
Issue 49 is an unnecessary, rushed, and ill-advised change that could lead to voter confusion and a lack of trust in our Elections! As far as I can research, North Royalton has NEVER had a Spring Primary for The Mayor or Council President.
Why start now?
According to the Board of Elections, Issue 49 could cost North Royalton taxpayers at least $40,000 on an unnecessary Primary Election. It is financially irresponsible to spend your tax dollars in this way.
In addition, Issue 49 will create longer campaign cycles, stretching from Winter to the Fall.
Campaign signs could be up for nearly a year! Am I the only one who feels like campaigning never ends!
Our current election system was created in 2008 by residents and approved by over 70% of voters. The current system works!
In November 2019, North Royalton residents did their homework! They investigated the 5 candidates, gathered information, and spoke with a clear voice, electing Mayor Antoskiewicz with over 51% of the vote!
Making the campaign season longer and adding costs simply doesn’t make sense in North Royalton. Further, Spring Primaries often have lower turnout and therefore less participation than Fall Elections.
We do local elections in the Fall, after having spent all Spring and Summer getting to know the candidates.
Issue 49 doesn’t make sense, costs taxpayers more money, and solves a problem that doesn’t exist.
Please join me in doing the financially responsible and common-sense thing and Vote NO on Issue 49.
Thank you,
Paul F. Marnecheck
Council President
City of North Royalton

Date: October 12, 2021

Source: North Royalton Post Newspaper

Vote No on Issue 49, a waste of tax dollars

To the Editor: There are some important charter amendments that North Royalton voters need to do their due diligence on before casting their vote.

Especially on Issue 49. I agree with Council President Marnecheck’s Oct. 7 letter against this charter amendment. This is something for the good of the city. We both can easily agree that a special May primary election for mayor and council president is an unnecessary waste of over $40,000 or more of our taxpayer dollars. This charter amendment is just so some on council could run from a safe seat for these positions.

Do you really want longer campaign seasons or make our community more political just for the benefit of the five members of council that are pushing this charter amendment?

As a former chairman of the 2012 Charter Review Commission, this was not an issue then and has not been the last few after. The current system approved by voters back in 2008 by over 70% works. We have been able to select our mayor and council president without issue. Also for example as a former school board member, I have run in a large field of candidates. Voters were able to select a winner in those races at a larger district level without issue from my experience.

Issue 49 is fiscally irresponsible, unnecessary and self-serving political power grab. The money wasted on this proposed primary could be better used to fix our roads, stormwater issues, aid our struggling small businesses or provide more resources to our seniors.

Vote no on Issue 49, tell city council we need less politics, not more in our city, and stop wasting our taxpayer dollars.

Dan Langshaw

North Royalton


May 18, 2021 Public Comments Against Ordinance 21-81 (Issue #49) by resident Michael McDonald

Source: May 18, 2021 Regular North Royalton City Council Meeting Minutes

Mr. McDonald stated he is here to lobby for all of Council’s votes, to not vote for this Ordinance.  He believes it is a very bad Ordinance. There was no consensus at the Committee meeting; between the discussions he had heard, us residents have an opportunity to permit in those committee meetings if we so chose to. We also have an opportunity to stand here in front of Council on any legislation that we don’t like; not trying to bully anyone. The reasons are quite
simple; first off, this last general election demonstrated that there is no need to have a Primary election. 2 candidates emerged with a substantial majority of all of the votes. Secondly, what  citizens really want to go and vote in an odd year Primary where there are only 2 things to vote for on the ballot. You are not going to get a great turnout and even vote in the Primary election in the even year for Presidential here. So why have a special Primary election? Most importantly it
is a waste of our tax payer dollars; do you really want to waste our tax payer dollars by having a special election every four years? An election that is going to cost a minimum of $30k or maybe up to $100k. Multiply those times how long the average citizen has lived in the City; 20 years? Multiply those times 5 and you are looking at some substantial dollars that could be used to benefit the City in a much better way. This appears to be a potential scheme that those candidates that
run and don’t finish in the top 2 theoretically run for a Ward Council seat, and I don’t think anyone should be allowed or permitted to run twice for basically the same election.



North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: April 2021 (Volume 10)

Greetings Residents,

Living in Northeast, Ohio you never know what to expect when it comes to our weather. Hopefully we have experienced our last of freak snow storms and can enjoy more fun spring activities! This update includes a number of important COVID-19, local government and community events happening this spring. I also have some exciting news to share with you.

Special Announcement

I wanted to share some good news with you all that the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections recently validated my petitions and I am officially on the November 2, 2021 General Election ballot to retake my North Royalton Ward 3 Council seat. Read More.

As I walked and drove around Ward 3, I thought about issues many of you residents shared with me such as paying high taxes and not getting much in return of city services, making our city more business friendly, and adding more checks and balances on the power of our local government. These are all issues I plan to address back on city council. Thank you to those who signed my petitions to get me officially on the ballot.
I plan in the coming months to meet with as many Ward 3 residents as possible, learn more how to best serve the community moving forward, and work even harder than before to address vital issues in North Royalton to get our city back on track regardless of the continued malicious politics in our city.

Click Here to view Dan’s Full Announcement Video.

If I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

COVID-19 Update

Below are the top places to get accurate and 24/7 situational information you need to know in staying safe throughout this pandemic and resources if you are interested in getting the vaccine.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

State of Ohio & Governor Mike DeWine

State of Ohio Central COVID-19 Scheduling Website

Cuyahoga County Board of Health

City of North Royalton
Website: www.northroyalton.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthRoyaltonOH/

Wolstein Center Mass Vaccination Clinic Accepting Walk-Ins
The Wolstein Center Vaccination Clinic in Cleveland is now accepting walk-ins from 8:00am to 7:00pm beginning April 27, 2021. From April 27, 2021 to May 3, 2021 the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine will be administered while the second dose will be administered from May 18, 2021 to May 24, 2021. Officials still recommend making an appointment. To register for an appointment go to gettheshot.conronavirus.ohio.gov. Those with trouble navigating the internet or those without internet access can book an appointment by calling 1-833-427-5634 (1-833-4-ASK-ODH).

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Dan Langshaw Ordinance 21-67 Proposed Mobile Food Unit Ordinance Public Comments at the April 6, 2021 North Royalton City Council Meeting & Statement

Below is my full comments at the April 6, 2021 Regular North Royalton City Council Meeting about the Food Truck Legislation Ordinance 21-67 that I addressed City Council on during the public comments portion of the meeting agenda.

Unfortunately City Council passed this final version of legislation that was available to the public and the media only on Monday and passed it on First Reading not allowing Three Readings for further public input before a vote nor without any changes to the legislation.

The vote on Ordinance 21-67 was 5-2. I appreciate that our city’s charter and council rules allow for residents an opportunity to be heard and from past experience has been extremely helpful before I took tough votes on council.

I fully support residents first amendment rights to be heard. Thank you to the Council President and Ward 1 Councilwoman for at least voting against this legislation last night and taking into consideration residents and businesses concerns that were raised to try improve the legislation.

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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: March 2021 (Volume 9)

Greetings Residents,Spring is here and as the weather is starting to warm up, we are seeing a continued drop in COVID-19 cases. Slowly things are becoming more normal again so I wanted to share a number of important COVID-19, local government, and items to update you on since my last update.

If I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Have a great weekend!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

COVID-19 Update

Below are the top places to get accurate and 24/7 situational information you need to know in staying safe throughout this pandemic and help to get the vaccine are the following resources:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

State of Ohio & Governor Mike DeWine

State of Ohio Central COVID-19 Scheduling Website

Cuyahoga County Board of Health

City of North Royalton
Website: www.northroyalton.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthRoyaltonOH/

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Dan Langshaw’s Testimony before the Ohio House Finance Committee on HB 110 on March 11, 2021

Former North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw and former Treasurer for the Northeast Ohio City Council Association testified before the Ohio House Finance Committee on House Bill 110 the state operating budget for FY 2022 and FY 2023 at the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on March 11, 2021. He urged lawmakers for more COVID-19 relief funding for local governments, small businesses, and Ohioans in the budget. He also described what areas of the budget were positive and other areas needing to be improved upon before the General Assembly approves the overall state budget before the June 30th deadline.

Click Here to view Dan Langshaw’s full testimony.

Click Here and forward to the 55:56 mark to view the video of Dan Langshaw’s testimony.

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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: February 2021 (Volume 8)

Greetings Residents,

Spring is getting closer and as the weather is starting to warm up, we are seeing a drop in COVID-19 cases. Slowly things are becoming more normal again so I wanted to share a number of important COVID-19, local government, and items to update you on since my last update.

If I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Have a good week!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

COVID-19 Update

Top 4 places to get accurate and 24/7 situational information you need to know in staying safe throughout this pandemic are the following resources:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

State of Ohio & Governor Mike DeWine

Cuyahoga County Board of Health

City of North Royalton
Website: www.northroyalton.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthRoyaltonOH/

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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: February 16, 2021 (Volume 7)

Greetings Residents,

Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day & President’s Day Holiday! I just wanted to update you on a few quick important items below. If I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Stay warm & Safe!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

Statewide Curfew has been Lifted

Great News! Governor Mike DeWine has announced on February 11, 2021 that the statewide curfew has been lifted in the state of Ohio!!!!

Trash & Recycling Collection NO DELAY

There is NO DELAY in rubbish or recycling collection on President’s Day February 15th. Your regular pick up day will be as normal this week. If you have any issues or concerns regarding your pick up, please contact the City Service Department at 440-582-3002. To view Rumpke’s 2021 Holiday Schedule click on this link: https://www.rumpke.com/for-your-home/holiday-schedule

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Dan Langshaw’s Intersection of York & Albion Road Public Comments February 2, 2021 before North Royalton City Council Streets Committee Meeting


Dan Langshaw’s Intersection of York & Albion Road Public Comments February 2, 2021 before North Royalton City Council Streets Committee Meeting

The issue of addressing the traffic and safety concerns regarding the intersection of York & Albion Road has been going for almost two decades. We all know what needs to be done. I thought we were close to getting real action on this issue early in 2020 when I was on Council. However, it seems like we are going backwards to further delays with another study being called for it seems. I urge City Council to finally get this issue addressed by either adding a left turn arrow to the existing signal operation or left turn only lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches to York Road. Here are some reasons why:

  • Page 5 of the June 2019 Intersection Crash Evaluation Technical Memorandum Study by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, they ranked it as the 4th highest intersection in our city with frequent crashes between 2014-2018 with a total of 36 vs the intersection of Ridge/Royalwood/Julia that was in a 4 way tie for 9th.
  • Page 6 of June 2019 Intersection Crash Evaluation Technical Memorandum Study by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency even states that the intersection of York & Albion Road be a higher priority to address due to the frequency of crashes.
  • Page 6 of the November 2020 Intersection Operational Analysis York Road and Albion Road Study by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency under recommendations under bullet points 3 and 5 support my suggested solutions I have already mention and some of you have too.
  • Fire Station #2 is located at the intersection of York and Albion Roads and is a vital service that people count on with their lives to respond quickly without delay.
  • In a May 4, 2019 North Royalton Post Article Mrs. Fenos was quoted saying “If traffic backs up with nowhere else to go and emergency vehicles can’t exit freely, there’s the potential for emergency response time delays”. I agree with her.

Please address this important issue with the solutions already presented to City Council.

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Dan Langshaw’s Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine

January 28, 2021

For Immediate Release

Dan Langshaw’s Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine

Like many of you in the community, I too have been very skeptical of getting the COVID-19 vaccine that is now available. In my life when I make a major decision I do my due diligence and research first. Also being a husband of a front-line nurse that has to battle COVID-19 every shift at her hospital, I understand how difficult this battle is first-hand. My wife has worked tirelessly in her line of work and it has been extremely hard to see how much COVID-19 has effected families in our area and the impact nurses and those on the front lines have with this overwhelming pandemic. As a family we decided that I would get the vaccine due to the opportunity supplied by my employer.

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