Greetings Ward 3 Resident,
I just have two quick items to update you on.
NOPEC Changes
I have gotten a few emails and phone calls regarding the changes with NOPEC. Here is some information to help clear up any confusion or questions. NOPEC has a new supplier for our natural gas program, NextEra Energy Ohio. For NOPEC’s natural gas customers served by Columbia Gas of Ohio, the switch will occur with the Columbia Gas April bill. Due to PUCO requirements, residents will receive two postcard notices from Columbia Gas of Ohio. You do not need to do anything if you wish to remain a NOPEC customer. The first postcard will notify residents that Dominion Energy Solutions is no longer going to be their supplier. The second postcard will notify residents that they have been enrolled with NextEra Energy Ohio, NOPEC’s new supplier.If you have any questions, please feel free to call NOPEC at 1-885-NOPEC.o1 (1-855-667-3201).
Daylight Savings Time
This Sunday March 9th is time to Spring ahead our clocks! Don’t forget to check the batteries in your smoke and CO detectors of your home.
Spring is almost here!
Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council