Tag Archives: langshaw

Board Update

Good Evening:

We are all very saddened by the tragedy that happened at Chardon High School this past week. I just like to extend my thoughts and prayers to the entire Chardon Community as they heal. Some of you might be interested in doing something for the victims of this terrible tragedy. The United Way of Geauga County is overseeing the Chardon Healing Fund that will raise money for the victims’ families. The fund has already raised $150,000. In addition the Chardon Angels of Hope has set up a fund at Huntington Bank for donations for the families. If you are interested in making a donation they can be made through any Huntington Bank branch.

Also here is a link to Superintendent Ed Vittardi’s remarks about this tragedy and the
safety procedures that are in place here in the North Royalton City School District:

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. They can also click on this link on my website to sign up at: http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact/e-mail-newsletter-sign-up/


Partnership for a Healthy North Royalton
Earlier this year, a collaborative coalition of parents, school personnel, business professionals, religious leaders, and other community activists known as the Partnership for a Healthy North Royalton, applied for and were awarded a Federal Drug-Free Community Grant. The grant will be active for two years under the guidance and mentorship of the CAPA (Community Awareness and Prevention Association), and local, well-established coalition in the Brecksville-Broadview Heights communities. A key component of this grant is to conduct a Community Perception Survey to determine where needs are in relation to the amount of substance use and/or abuse among various age groups in the community. The greater our response to the survey, the better our results will be for analyzing how we can better service those within our community affected by substance abuse issues. Please consider taking a few minutes to participate in the survey. Answers are completely anonymous and are not in any way connected to an identifiable email address. After completing the survey, you can choose to enter a drawing to win an iPad2! Again, responses are still not linked to your name. The survey can be accessed at http://www.surveymonkey.com/NRCPS2012KC. Data will be collected through March 1, 2012.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. They can also click on this link on my website to sign up at: http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact/e-mail-newsletter-sign-up/


Attended the Ohio (ACTE) Association for Career and Technical Education’s Legislative Conference in Columbus on January 25th. As one of the North Royalton City School District’s Representative on the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board of Education, I attend the conference along with administrators from the CVCC. The conference was very informative about the issues that face Career and Technical schools like the CVCC. Governor John Kasich addressed the group and talked about his vision for job creation and the future of education in the state. I also had an opportunity to meet with the Aide for State Representative Anielski, Aide for State Representative Dovilla, and personally met with State Senator Patton about issues related to the CVCC. Besides discussing issues related to the CVCC, I shared with our lawmakers the concerns of the North Royalton City School District regarding pending legislation on HB 136, HB 191, and HB 326.








School Board Member Dan Langshaw Testifies on HB 191
While down in Columbus, the evening of January 25th I took advantage of the unique opportunity to testify against HB 191 before the Ohio House of Representatives Education Committee on behalf of the North Royalton City School District. House Bill 191, sponsored by Rep. Bill Hayes (R-Granville) and Rep. Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland), would adjust the minimum school year for school districts from one based on days to one based on hours. The legislation also would prohibit school districts from opening prior to Labor Day or after Memorial Day, except in specified circumstances. A substitute bill was proposed and accepted during the Committee meeting I was at. The substitute version changes the minimum school year for school districts, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) schools and chartered nonpublic schools from 182 days to: 455 hours for half-day kindergarten; 910 hours for full-day kindergarten and grades one through six; and 1,001 hours for grades seven through 12. The substitute bill also would eliminate the prohibition against staying open after Memorial Day, but retains the bill’s prohibition against opening prior to Labor Day, while adding a waiver process by which a school district may open earlier. According to the legislation, school districts can start before Labor Day if the district or school holds a public hearing on opening prior to Labor Day, approves a resolution allowing schools to open prior to Labor Day, files a copy of the resolution with the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 1 and receives a waiver to open prior to Labor Day from the superintendent. It specifies that the superintendent cannot deny a waiver to a school that has complied with the procedure, and must make the verification within 10 business days of receiving the resolution. The effective date of the bill’s provisions was changed from 2012 to July 1, 2013.

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School Board Member Dan Langshaw Testifies before Ohio House of Representatives Education Committee on HB 191





JANUARY 25, 2012

Good Evening, Chairman Stebelton, Vice Chair Newbold, Ranking Member Luckie, and members of the House Education Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify on the proposed Substitute HB 191 on the Minimum School Year. My name is Dan Langshaw, and I am member of the North Royalton School Board.

The North Royalton City School District is located in southwest Cuyahoga County and encompasses both the city of North Royalton and parts of the neighboring city of Broadview Heights. Our public school district provides education K-12 to over 4,700 students in our community.

I would like to express concerns with the proposed Substitute HB 191. Specifically, we are opposed to the provision of the bill that requires a thirty-day legal notice and hearing in order to begin classes before Labor Day. Such a mandate would cause an unnecessary burden to local school districts throughout Ohio, including the North Royalton City School District.

Boards of education adopt school calendars in public session. Such public sessions include the opportunity for interested parties to offer public comments prior to any action by the Board of Education. To add the unnecessary burden of a thirty day notice seems to be an unneeded bureaucratic step to a process which has served our school district well in the past.

Please consider removing this provision of the bill and allow for us to retain our local control in deciding what is in the best interest of our community and students when creating our school calendar.

In closing, our community is happy with the current calendar we have and the collaborative process our district uses to create it. We do support the conversion of school days to hours in that this enhances local control and the ability of elected board of education members to respond to the needs of their students, parents, and residents. Please let the people decide what is best and not Columbus. Until this provision is removed, we remain oppose HB 191 in its current form.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you this evening. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Board Update

Good Evening:

If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee this Thursday, January 26th at the Coffee Club located at 500 E Royalton Rd. in Broadview Heights from 6pm-8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Hope to see you there.

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Board Update







Good Evening:

“Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Happy New Year!


The School Board met on January 5th for a Board Work Session. Board discussed district technology study to be conducted to find ways the district can be more efficient and provide more technology in the classroom for students and staff. Board got an update on how the administration is looking at ways to be more fiscally conservative at the various buildings in the district. The board had discussion about the impact of the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program that was included into the state budget under HB 153. In addition the board was given an update on how the district is preparing for the state mandated teacher evaluations as required by HB 153. Board had a brief executive session to discuss personnel. After that the board discussed upcoming committee assignments and officers for the year. The Board reviewed the Organizational Meeting and January Regular Meeting agenda items, and such other matters that came before the Board.

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Board Update

Good Afternoon:

It is hard to believe we are only weeks away from the end of the year 2011 and that I have been serving on the North Royalton School Board for almost entire 2nd year now. It seems like so much longer than that. I must say this has been a great year and it is an honor to continue to serve as a member of the School Board. I am happy to announce that I have been recently appointed along with my fellow Board Member Mrs. Dolezal to serve each 1 year terms as Board Representatives for the North Royalton City School District on the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board. I look forward to this additional leadership role next year and working with the new Board Members on our School Board as well after they are sworn in at our organizational meeting in early January

I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all those serving in the U.S. Military who will be away this holiday season from their families to keep us all safe.

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Board Update









Good Evening:

If you haven’t had the chance yet please check out my new and improved website at www.danlangshaw.com. Communication with constituents is very important to me and on my website you will see that I have centralized a lot of useful information about me, the school board, and district. You can also like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter too.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Hope you all are staying warm on this cold rainy evening! If you haven’t had the chance yet please check out my new and improved website at www.danlangshaw.com. Communication with constituents is very important to me and on my website you will see that I have centralized a lot of useful information about me, the school board, and district. You can also like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter too.

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