Tag Archives: Governor John Kasich

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: August 2015

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Hope you are having a great summer! It is hard to believe it is already August. Before you know it will be back to school time. Just a reminder there still is time to donate to the Annual Operation North Royalton Cares Program, which runs till August 7th. The mission of Operation North Royalton Cares is to collect basic school supplies for families of students in need in the North Royalton School Community. The program is supported by the North Royalton City School Community, North Royalton YMCA in coordination with the City of North Royalton Office on Aging & Human Services. Click here to learn more on how to help support this great cause.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
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School Board Member Dan Langshaw’s Statement on Governor John Kasich’s New School Funding Plan

After reviewing Governor John Kasich’s new school funding plan, I must say it is a lot to digest on the surface. While it is encouraging that the Governor says that no district will receive less than it did in the current 2013 fiscal year. I think it is too early to tell if this helps or hurts the North Royalton City School District one way or the other. The details are always what counts with a budget proposal. A key piece of information that we don’t have yet are the simulations by district. Also there are some questions that I believe we need to ask. Will the Governor’s new school funding plan restore the $3 million dollars in cuts he and the General Assembly made under HB 153 the last state budget to our school district? Kasich is the fourth straight governor to propose a new school funding plan, what makes his plan constitutional to comply with decade old Ohio Supreme Court case DeRolph v. State? Finally, are the revenue sources stable enough to fully pay for this new plan? As the Board Legislative Liaison, I don’t plan to wait for an answer. I have plans to meet with our State Representative Mike Dovilla and other lawmakers. In addition I am working again with Cuyahoga Heights School Board Member Reno Contipelli and North Olmsted School Board Member Terry Groden to organize another Educational Roundtable Discussion for schools in Ohio’s 24th Senate District on the state budget. We plan to bring lawmakers here to engage in direct dialogue with key stakeholders to discuss how we move forward with this new school funding plan. The work has just begun!

To learn more about the Governor’s plan check out the link below:


Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com.


State House Update

Kasich selects Lima for State of the State speech
Governor John Kasich announced plans to deliver his annual State of the State address in Lima on Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m. This once again breaks the tradition of presenting the speech from the chamber of the Ohio House of Representatives.

Budget and school-funding proposal
The administration’s budget proposal, including a school-funding plan, is expected to be released on Feb. 4. In addition to primary and secondary education funding, the proposal also is expected to include tax reform, higher education funding and Medicaid changes. This will be something I plan watch closely and already have plans to meet with our State Representative Mike Dovilla and our other lawmakers on the upcoming budget.

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Governor Kasich’s SOTS

Watching the video of Governor John Kasich’s State of the State Address it leaves me with asking the question where is the plan for funding public education here in Ohio? The state needs to invest more in public education! No more cuts!

Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. They can also click on this link on my website to sign up at: http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact/e-mail-newsletter-sign-up/


Attended the Ohio (ACTE) Association for Career and Technical Education’s Legislative Conference in Columbus on January 25th. As one of the North Royalton City School District’s Representative on the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board of Education, I attend the conference along with administrators from the CVCC. The conference was very informative about the issues that face Career and Technical schools like the CVCC. Governor John Kasich addressed the group and talked about his vision for job creation and the future of education in the state. I also had an opportunity to meet with the Aide for State Representative Anielski, Aide for State Representative Dovilla, and personally met with State Senator Patton about issues related to the CVCC. Besides discussing issues related to the CVCC, I shared with our lawmakers the concerns of the North Royalton City School District regarding pending legislation on HB 136, HB 191, and HB 326.








School Board Member Dan Langshaw Testifies on HB 191
While down in Columbus, the evening of January 25th I took advantage of the unique opportunity to testify against HB 191 before the Ohio House of Representatives Education Committee on behalf of the North Royalton City School District. House Bill 191, sponsored by Rep. Bill Hayes (R-Granville) and Rep. Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland), would adjust the minimum school year for school districts from one based on days to one based on hours. The legislation also would prohibit school districts from opening prior to Labor Day or after Memorial Day, except in specified circumstances. A substitute bill was proposed and accepted during the Committee meeting I was at. The substitute version changes the minimum school year for school districts, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) schools and chartered nonpublic schools from 182 days to: 455 hours for half-day kindergarten; 910 hours for full-day kindergarten and grades one through six; and 1,001 hours for grades seven through 12. The substitute bill also would eliminate the prohibition against staying open after Memorial Day, but retains the bill’s prohibition against opening prior to Labor Day, while adding a waiver process by which a school district may open earlier. According to the legislation, school districts can start before Labor Day if the district or school holds a public hearing on opening prior to Labor Day, approves a resolution allowing schools to open prior to Labor Day, files a copy of the resolution with the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 1 and receives a waiver to open prior to Labor Day from the superintendent. It specifies that the superintendent cannot deny a waiver to a school that has complied with the procedure, and must make the verification within 10 business days of receiving the resolution. The effective date of the bill’s provisions was changed from 2012 to July 1, 2013.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Hope everyone is staying cool in this heat wave!


Attended on July 18th the half-day HB 153/State Budget Regional Seminar at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, sponsored by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Buckeye Association of School Administrators, and the Ohio School Boards Association. The seminar covered an overview of HB 153, update on the Federal ARRA and Ed Jobs Funds, and an update on the status of SB 5 Ballot Issue.

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Board Update

Good Afternoon:
Happy 4th of July everyone! Thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving our country in the United States Military. We are all free because of you!


On June 30th Toured the Stadium Project with the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and some of my fellow Board Members. Construction is going well and the nice weather has been a huge help. Attached are some pictures from the site. Also if you like to follow the progress of the project you can check it out at: http://www.nrstadiumfoundation.com/nrsf-pictures/

The School Board met on June 30th for a Special Board Meeting. The Board approved the Appropriation Adjustments, Transfer/Advances, Final 2010-2011 Fund Appropriations, 2011-2012 Temporary Appropriations, Employment of Personnel, and such other matters that may come before the Board. Read More…

State Budget Update

I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I just wanted to give you all a quick update on the State Budget HB 153. On Monday June 27th the joint legislative state budget Conference Committee met late to debate what is assumed to be the final version of Amended Substitute House Bill 153, the biennial budget legislation. After more than several hours of deliberation, the committee voted along party lines (4–2) to recommend a final product to both houses. On Tuesday June 28th the Senate voted approved the committee’s recommendation. Today the House also approved the Conference Committee’s recommendations. The budget now goes to Governor John Kasich a day to sign the bill into law, which is just in time for the new fiscal year to begin this Friday. Read More…

Copy of Letter I got back from Governor John Kasich

Copy of Langshaw Letter to Biennial Budget Conference Committee