Greetings Ward 3 Resident,We are slowly getting closer to Spring. As a friendly reminder, it might also be a good idea to check all batteries in the smoke detectors in your home to make sure they work since we just recently sprung ahead with Daylight Savings Time. City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.
March Presidential Primary Election
The Presidential Primary Election is on March 17th. Polls are open from 6:30am to 7:30pm. To view a sample ballot and check your polling location, visit “My Voting Info” on the Board of Elections website. If you have any questions contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at 216-443-8683. Please make sure you VOTE!
North Royalton Ward 3 Polling Locations
Ward 3 residents who are voting at the polls for the March 17th Presidential Primary Election there are one of two locations depending on where you live in the Ward. See below:
Albion Elementary School (Precinct 3B Only)
9360 Albion Rd.
Valley Vista Elementary School (Precincts 3A, 3C, & 3D)
4049 Wallings Rd.
Have a great week and an early Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council