Tag Archives: All Day Kindergarten

Board Update

Good Afternoon:

It is hard to believe we are only weeks away from the end of the year 2011 and that I have been serving on the North Royalton School Board for almost entire 2nd year now. It seems like so much longer than that. I must say this has been a great year and it is an honor to continue to serve as a member of the School Board. I am happy to announce that I have been recently appointed along with my fellow Board Member Mrs. Dolezal to serve each 1 year terms as Board Representatives for the North Royalton City School District on the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board. I look forward to this additional leadership role next year and working with the new Board Members on our School Board as well after they are sworn in at our organizational meeting in early January

I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all those serving in the U.S. Military who will be away this holiday season from their families to keep us all safe.

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Board Update









Good Evening:

If you haven’t had the chance yet please check out my new and improved website at www.danlangshaw.com. Communication with constituents is very important to me and on my website you will see that I have centralized a lot of useful information about me, the school board, and district. You can also like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter too.

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