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Board Update










Good Evening:

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

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Board Update






Good Afternoon:

Operation NR CARES is a week long drive August 9-15th that benefits the North Royalton/Kiwanis Emergency Food Bank and families of students in need of basic school supplies in the North Royalton Community. Supported by the North Royalton City School District in coordination with the City of North Royalton Office on Aging and Human Services. Throughout the week residents can drop off school supplies and can food items at various drop off locations throughout the city of North Royalton. There is a Kick Off Event called “A Taste of New Orleans” on Monday, August 9th from 6pm-8pm at the French Quarter Café. For more information please check out my website at www.danlangshaw.com and click on the link on my homepage.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.


On August 4th toured the progress of the Stadium Project. The press box has been completed, finishing touches are underway on the home side bleachers, and the turf was being laid down during my tour. The biggest thing that still needs to be completed is the track. It was great to see how much progress has been made since last month.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Hope everyone is staying cool in this heat wave!


Attended on July 18th the half-day HB 153/State Budget Regional Seminar at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, sponsored by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Buckeye Association of School Administrators, and the Ohio School Boards Association. The seminar covered an overview of HB 153, update on the Federal ARRA and Ed Jobs Funds, and an update on the status of SB 5 Ballot Issue.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee this Thursday, July 21st at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. I am working hard to make sure all those in our district are kept informed what’s happening with the School Board and the North Royalton School District.
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Board Update

Good Afternoon:
Happy 4th of July everyone! Thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving our country in the United States Military. We are all free because of you!


On June 30th Toured the Stadium Project with the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and some of my fellow Board Members. Construction is going well and the nice weather has been a huge help. Attached are some pictures from the site. Also if you like to follow the progress of the project you can check it out at: http://www.nrstadiumfoundation.com/nrsf-pictures/

The School Board met on June 30th for a Special Board Meeting. The Board approved the Appropriation Adjustments, Transfer/Advances, Final 2010-2011 Fund Appropriations, 2011-2012 Temporary Appropriations, Employment of Personnel, and such other matters that may come before the Board. Read More…

Board Update

Good Evening:

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

Also if you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. I am working hard to make sure all those in our district are kept informed what’s happening with the School Board and the North Royalton School District.

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Board Update

Good Afternoon:

“America is not governed by the majority but by the majority of those who participate.”
-Thomas Jefferson

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