Good Afternoon:
I just wanted to thank the community for their support of the recent renewal levy for the North Royalton School District. Our schools are a good investment for our children, community, and future. The evidence speaks for itself an “excellent with distinction” rating on the state report card and even national recognition being featured on as one of “America’s 25 Best Schools For Your Housing Buck”.
There are great things happening in our district! I would like to note one of those great things is that the school board at our May 10th board meeting this Monday will be voting to approve the district’s 5-year strategic plan. It has been exciting that over 800 members of our community have taken part in the process drafting the district’s strategic plan and making this truly a successful community/school effort. Our schools belong to our community and all residents should be very proud of what has been accomplished.
I hope and encourage more members of the community to get engaged in the activities of our district. There are many great opportunities to get involved whether it be joining the PTA, attending a school board meeting, supporting our student athletes and events, or giving your input at a (SCENE) school community exchange night for education. Again, thank you all for your continued support of our schools!
I attended the City Earth Energy Environment Committee Meeting on May 3rd at North Royalton City Hall as the School Board Representative. The committee discussed the city’s recycling program. The recycling convenience containers have been ordered and should be coming sometime soon. There was also continued discussion on Solar Energy Financing under House Bill 1.
The School Board met on May 4th for its’ Board Work Session and reviewed the May Regular Meeting agenda items, and such other matters before the Board.
May 4th Election Day Results, our district’s renewal levy passed! Thank you all for your continued support of our schools.
Sun Star-Currier
North Royalton and Broadview Heights voters pass renewal levy for North Royalton City Schools
By Sara Macho, Sun News
May 05, 2010, 10:53AM
Residents in North Royalton and Broadview Heights have never voted down a North Royalton City School District renewal levy and that tradition continued Tuesday night.
According to final unofficial results from the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, the 6.5-mill levy was passing with 5,081 votes for and 3,670 against with 27 of 27 precincts reported.
“We believe our message was and is as positive as any district in the state,” said Superintendent Ed Vittardi. “Our continued efforts to provide our students an excellent education in a very fiscally responsible manner has been noted by our school community and those even beyond our community lines.”
Taxes will not increase as a result of the renewal and the $6,695,000 per year for the operations, raised will be used to maintain current programs and services.
On May 5th I attended the 2010 Annual Band Banquet, sponsored by the North Royalton Band Boosters. We truly have a great band and so many talented students in it! Congrats to all those who received awards and best of luck to all the graduating seniors!
On May 6th I attended the SCENE meeting and Royal View Art Show. Those of you, who don’t know what SCENE is, it stands for school community exchange night for education, are an informal opportunity to ask questions of the school district administration. Royal View Principal Dr. Lasko highlighted the many great things going on at Royal View Elementary School. Royal View has received the 2010 Blue Ribbon Schools Award Nomination. Royal View students are doing many great things in the areas of citizenship and service learning. Students have done project such as: Hearts for Haiti, Turkey Trot, food drives for the North Royalton Food Bank, and many more to help those in our community and abroad. I would like to also note that Royal View raised over $31,000 through private fundraising efforts with the help of the PTA, box tops, and Campbell soup labels to purchase SMART Boards for every classroom and make technology improvements at no cost to taxpayers. Superintendent Vittardi gave a brief update on things going on in the district such as strategic plan, and various other great things going on in the district as we approach the end of the school year.
This week there is a School Board Meeting, Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting, and various other events.
May Regular School Board Meeting on May 10th at 7pm @ NRHS Community Room, 14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133. The Board will be approving the district’s 5-year strategic plan, various meeting agenda items, and such other matters that may come before the Board.
Curriculum Adv. Committee Meeting on May 12th at 9:30am @ NRHS Community Room, 14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.
Mother’s Day
Today, May 9th is Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day! To all of you who are mother’s thank you for all that you do, especially in the lives of your children. On a personal note, I am truly blessed to have such a great mom who has always been there for me throughout my life, especially when I was a Soldier serving in the military.
Contact Info
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-785-4240 or e-mail me at Also please feel free to check out my website at for various updates and information.
Monthly Coffee with School Board Member Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are
invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee on May 19th at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Those who attend this month will receive a free small coffee.
Have a Great Week!
Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member
“Putting Students First”