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Board Update







Good Afternoon:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Wow, it is hard to believe it is already November. Soon it will be Thanksgiving and then before you know it will be Christmas. This week was a lot fun with the first Health, Wellness & Community Expo that was held yesterday at North Royalton High School! Hopeful you all had a chance to check it out and learn something new.


On November 1st attended City Earth Energy Environment Committee Meeting. The city’s recycling program is doing well and participation continues to rise. Ace Hardware has sold out of the blue bins for recycling. They are expected to receive a new order of bins that should be available sometime on November 15th. The committee received news that Town Planner will not be printed in 2011. The person who holds the franchise for North Royalton is unable to print the Planner in 2011. So instead the city will be doing an insert in the Royalton Recorder to provide residents with information about the city’s recycling rules. This insert is paid for by a county grant the city received. I have also attached a copy of the rules to this e-mail. The committee was also informed that the city received a grant of $287,000 from Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council to make the city’s police station more energy efficient. The improvements are expected to help save the city $10,000 annually based on current utility rates. The next EEE Committee meeting will sometime next year in early January or February.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone gets some nice treats and has a fun time Trick or Treating or going to various Halloween Parties tonight!

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Board Update







Good Evening:

Tomorrow Monday October 25th I will be having my next Monthly Coffee at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Hope to see you there!

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Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail newsletter please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com Read More…

Board Update







Good Afternoon:

Wow, what another great week for the North Royalton School District. Last Friday the district celebrated Royal View Elementary School being named as Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. This is such a great time to be here in the North Royalton School District! There is so much to report.

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Board Update








Good Evening:

Homecoming has come and gone for our district. But, wow what a great homecoming week with so many fun activities, including the Bears win against Garfield Heights this past Friday!


The School Board met on September 28th for a Special Board Meeting. The Board approved Appropriations for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year by a unanimous vote. The Board briefly went into executive session to discuss the hiring of new personnel.

On October 1st attended the North Royalton Educational Foundation Annual Spaghetti Dinner at the middle school cafeteria. There was great entertainment, spaghetti, and lots of fun! Proceeds of the dinner support North Royalton School District’s students through mini grants awarded to teachers and staff at every building. I truly enjoyed the great food and also the opportunity to serve refreshments to all those in attendance. (I think our cafeteria staff got a kick out of me working with them in the kitchen).








Attended the North Royalton High School Homecoming Football Game on October 1st. The Bears played great and beat Garfield Heights 36-14. Congrats to the Bears and to this years Homecoming King and Queen!


This week there are various committee meetings and events.

City Earth Energy Environment Committee Meeting on October 4th at 7pm
@ City Hall 13834 Ridge Rd.; North Royalton, OH 44133.

School Green Team Meeting on October 6th at 3pm @ Board of Education Office
6579 Royalton Rd; North Royalton, OH 44133.

Special School Board Meeting on October 7th at 6pm @ North Royalton Board of Education Office, 6579 Royalton Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133. The Board will be reviewing the October Regular Meeting agenda items and such other matters that may come before the Board.

Royal View Elementary School Blue Ribbon Celebration on October 8th at 9:45am @ Royal View Elementary 13220 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.

Rush for a Cause
Rush for a Cause is a Ohio non-profit organization (filing for 501(c)(3) status) created to provide community and financial support for seriously injured high school athletes. The campaign enlists other High School Varsity RB’s to secure individual and corporate sponsors willing to pledge money for EACH YARD THEY RUSH, starting with the 2010 high school football season. As an alternative, donations are welcome. North Royalton High School RB Logan Pearce is collecting donations this season. Donation jars are at the concession stands at each home football game or you can contact Logan Pearce at 440-582-1806 or check out the organization’s website at www.rushforacause.org.

SAVE the Date
The next SCENE (School Community Exchange Night for Education) will be held on October 21st at 7pm at Valley Vista Elementary School, 4049 Wallings Rd.; North Royalton, OH 44133. SCENE is an informal opportunity for questions and answers about our North Royalton City School District. Hosted by Valley Vista Elementary Principal Beth O’Donnell and Superintendent Ed Vittardi. The Valley Vista PTA Meeting will take place immediately following SCENE.

My Contact Info
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.

Weekly E-mail Updates
If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com

Have a Great Week!

Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member

“Putting Students First”

Board Update

Good Evening:

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

This Thursday, September 23rd I will be having my next Monthly Constituent Coffee at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Hope to see you there!

Also if you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com.

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Board Update

Good Evening:

More good news in the North Royalton School District Royal View Elementary has been named a U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School! I just wanted to thank all our teachers, staff, parents, and students for making this all possible. All our Elementary Schools are amazing and it is great to see one of them get such a huge national honor! http://www.cleveland.com/sunstarcourier/index.ssf/2010/09/north_royaltons_royal_view_ele.html Read More…