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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: March 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

We are slowly getting closer to Spring. Yesterday was Daylight Savings Time, as friendly reminder it might also be a good idea to check all batteries in the smoke detectors in your home to make sure they work. City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: February 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

The groundhog saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter. Looking outside I think he may be right unfortunately. City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.

FYI on our Salt Reserves

Effective February 9th, the City of North Royalton has enacted road salt conservation measures due to Cargill Salt not being able to keep up with production due to the number of snowstorms throughout the Midwest. Hills, intersections and school zones will remain a priority during this conservation period. Please Click Here for an explanation from Cargill Salt. As always, please exercise extra caution while driving during the remainder of Winter. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

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Ward 3 Quick Update for January 15, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Just two quick reminders that I have for you.

Rumpke Rubbish & Recycling Collection Schedule
There is NO DELAY in rubbish or recycling collection for this week due to the MLK Day Holiday. Your regular pick up day will be as normal this week. Please share this with any of your fellow neighbors who may not get my Ward Updates. If you have any issues or concerns regarding your pick up, please contact the City Service Department at 440-582-3002. Also, if you like for the 2018 Rumpke Rubbish & Recycling Holiday Schedule Click Here.

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: January 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Happy New Year! I am excited for what great things 2018 has in store for our great city and continuing to serve you all on City Council!

New Council Term has Begun!
On December 31, 2017 I had a special Ceremonial Swearing In with family in which the oath of office was administered by wife and the amazing First Lady of North Royalton Ward 3 Marissa Langshaw. Then on January 1, 2018 I was officially sworn into my 3rd elected term of office as North Royalton Ward 3 City Councilman. Special thanks to Ward 4 City Councilman Paul Marnecheck for administering the official oath of office to me!

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Ward 3 Quick Update December 25, 2017

Ward 3 Resident,

Hope you and your family are having a great Christmas! Just a few quick reminders.

Christmas Holiday Rubbish & Recycling Schedule

Rubbish & Recycling Curbside Service will NOT occur on Monday, December 25th. Service will be delayed one day during the rest of the week (Monday will move to Tuesday; Tuesday will move to Wednesday; Wednesday will move to Thursday; Thursday will move to Friday; and Friday will move to Saturday). Click Here for the full Rumpke Holiday Schedule.

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: December 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their family and friends! About 11 more days till Christmas! As we approach the end of 2017, things remain relatively busy in City Government with much to update you on below.

Thank You
I just like to take a moment and thank you the residents for recently re-electing me in the November 7th General Election to serve another two-year term on City Council. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “this country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” This quote sums up my core mission as a city councilman to make both our ward and city a better place for all our families to live together. It is my greatest honor to continue to serve the over 5,500 residents that call North Royalton Ward 3 home and being their voice on city council. In January I will be officially sworn in for my third elected term on City Council. I look forward to continuing to serve Ward 3!

Special Announcement

The First Family of North Royalton Ward 3 we were extra thankful this past Thanksgiving! My wife Marissa and I with the help of Henry and Missy recently made a special announcement that our family will be expanding in May of 2018! Thank you to all those who have offered their congratulations! It so great to raise our family here in this great community with all of you!

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Council Update

Highlights from Council Meetings
Some highlights from the City Council Meetings for November. Council approved Ordinances 17-118,17-119, and 17-120 confirming the Mayor’s appointment of a new police officer and firefighter/paramedics. Read More. Council also approved Ordinance 17-134, 17-135, and 17-136

granting easements for the Route 82 road improvement project. Read More. Council approved Ordinance 17-137 that authorizes the City of Cleveland, Division of Water to reduce the sewer charge for all users that are connected to the North Royalton Consolidated Sanitary Sewer District, but don’t have water meters that show actual water consumption. Currently, those users are charged 2.5 mcf per quarter, totaling 10 mcf per year.  The rate is based on the recent rate study, this legislation reduces the amount to 40 mcf per month, totaling 4.8 mcf per year.  This change will take effective on January 1, 2018. Read More.

2018 Budget Update
City Council has been reviewing the 2018 City Budget. Once again it is very conservative and solid balanced budget. The Budget is on Third Reading Consideration and will get approved at the December 19th Council Meeting. Read More.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here.

City Update

Chippewa Creek Headwater Trail Project
The Chippewa Creek Headwater Trail project is almost completed and expected to be ready by the end of year for people to use. In the spring there will be a formal opening. Read More.

Ohio Turnpike Sound Wall Project
Our City was awarded an almost $1 million grant from ODOT through the Turnpike Mitigation Program.  Our City elected to “pool” their grant with 3 other communities that were also awarded grants for Sound Walls along the Ohio Turnpike to get a better pricing package.  Great Lakes Construction was awarded the project and the walls are now complete. The walls start near Bennett Road and end near York Road along the north side of the Ohio Turnpike.

EMS Levy Passes
The EMS Levy passed on the November 7th General Election ballot. Thank you for your support of this vital emergency service for our community! Read More.

Sewer Rate Study
City Council has been reviewing the results of the five-year sewer rate study and has legislation pending based off recommendations for restructuring the rates. I believe the legislation before City Council will help reduce costs for seniors, those on a fixed income, well-water users and provide a fairer system for our rates for all, while keeping North Royalton’s sewer rates one of the lowest compared to other cities in our area that tack on additional charges that most aren’t aware of. Read More.

Around Ward 3

Taste of North Royalton
On November 2nd attended the Taste of North Royalton which helps support the North Royalton School District’s Educational Foundation and Stadium Foundation.

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing
St. Albert The Great School’s Veterans Day Celebration
On November 11th attended St. Albert The Great School’s Veterans Day Mass & Military Salute. It was great to be among so many of my fellow Veterans from WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf, Iraqi, Afghanistan, Global War on Terrorism, and still serving. Thank so much to St. Albert The Great School, students, staff, and all those who put on such a great Veterans Day celebration! It was an honor to be invited!

North Royalton Holiday Lighting Ceremony and Christmas Parade
On November 26th attended the Annual North Royalton Holiday Lighting Ceremony and Christmas Parade. Special thanks to all the community service clubs and volunteers who made it a wonderful event to start the holiday season! Read More.

St. Matthew Church Fire
Last month St. Matthew’s Church on Albion Road here in Ward 3 had a bad fire and will take a year to rebuild. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the parishioners of St Matthews Church during this difficult time. Luckily no one was hurt. Thank you to the North Royalton Fire Department and additional departments that responded to put the fire out. Learn More. If you like to make a donation to help with the rebuilding efforts below is the fundraising page that has been setup to help the church Click Here to learn more about that effort.

Snow Parking Ban Reminder
Since winter has arrived. Here is a reminder about snow parking bans and where to find out if one is in effect. A snow parking ban pertains to all city streets is not cancelled until a North Royalton Police Department supervisor deems all roads safe and clear, which typically occurs after snow plow operations have been completed. Violators of the snow parking ban are subject to parking citations and/or impoundment of their vehicles. If you like to find out if a snow parking ban is in place you can check out the NRPD Facebook page. You can also see updates in the Facebook and Twitter feed portions of my website’s homepage at www.danlangshaw.com

Ward 3 Recycling Tip of the Month
Do not place holiday lights (tanglers) in your curbside recycling. Tanglers, including holiday lights and power cords, cannot be recycled in your home recycling bin and will cause problems and shut-downs at the local recycling facility. During the Christmas season, retailers including Home Depot and Lowe’s Home Improvement have collection bins for holiday lights. Check at your local store. Christmas Light Source and Holiday LEDs also offer recycling and rebate programs for strings of lights. Recycle your broken, burned out strings of lights, power strips and power cords during the District’s holiday lights recycling program. The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District accepts strands of lights (holiday lights and other strands) at its facility located at 4750 East 131 Street in Garfield Heights. Drop off in their lobby during business hours M-F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The recycling program runs December 1-January 15. No bags or boxes in the recycling bin, please. Place items loose in our lobby drop box and take all bags, boxes and containers home with you. Artificial trees are not accepted. Materials collected are recycled by a local Cleveland company.

Send In Your Feedback
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association Meeting, Condo Association Meeting, Community Organization Meeting, Block Party, or Event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback at ward3@northroyalton.org

Upcoming Events

City Council Meeting December 5th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

City Council Meeting December 19th at  7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Monthly Coffee with Councilman Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. The next coffee will be held on:
When: December 30, 2017
Time: 9:00am-10:00am
Where: Subway
5660 Wallings Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133

City Calendar for December


Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
14600 State Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440-785-4240
E-mail: ward3@northroyalton.org







Ward 3 Quick Update November 12, 2017

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a few quick items to update you on.

November 5th Storm Clean Up Update

Power Issues
As of the evening of Tuesday November 7th power was restored back to the remaining areas in our Ward that were without power. If you still have any residual power related issues please contact First Energy at 1-888-544-4877.

Storm Debris
The City Service Department has completed clearing all the city roads and streets of storm debris. The are a number of individual residential properties that still have storm debris on their properties and have begun clean up. Storm debris collection will will take place on your regular rubbish collection day. DO NOT throw any tree branches or storm debris into the street or roadway. All trash including storm debris or branches must be at your curb or tree lawn on your regular collection day. Very large branches will need to be cut down and bundled, so they are not longer than 4 ft in length. All bundles must be tied securely and not weigh more than 60 lbs. Smaller twigs and debris you are not able to bundle can be placed in paper or plastic bags. Any residents wishing to drop off storm debris they can do so at the Saturday Drop-Off Station located at 11545 Royalton Rd from 8am-3pm, the same curbside guidelines stated above will be followed. Click HERE to read those guidelines. As usual, NO COMMERCIAL TRUCKS OR BUSINESSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have questions related to storm debris clean-up please contact the Service Department at 440-582-3002.


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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: November 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Although the holiday season is close upon us, things continue to remain relatively busy here in city government as we start to prepare the 2018 city budget and deal with mother nature too. Before I get into my update for this month, I have a few quick reminders/update.

Sunday Storm Update
Overnight Sunday November 5th our city got the brunt of the storm that caused power outrages, road closures, down trees, and other storm debris. Also the Fire Department had over 60 calls for service which included some medical calls and a structure fire. A big thank you to all our First Responders and Service Department for all they did last night and continue to do for the storm clean up! Now that the storm has ended Ward 3 residents here is some important information listed below that may help you:

Down Trees & Storm Debris
If you have down trees or storm debris not effecting power lines or any structural damage please contact the Service Department at 440-582-3002 for assistance.

Down Power Line Issues
If you have down power line issues please contact the Fire Department immediately so they can address these hazards as soon as they are identified at 440-237-4315.

Power Outages
The last I have checked all the power that was out in Ward 3 was restored around midnight and 2:30am this morning. If you still do not have power please contact First Energy at 1-888-544-4877 to report the power outage. You can also report outages and get updates from First Energy at http://outages.firstenergycorp.com/oh.html

If there are any other issues you can contact me at ward3@northroyalton.org or 440-785-4240.


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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: October 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Fall is officially here. It is a fun time of the year with the leaves changing colors, hayrides, and Friday Night Football games to enjoy! We even have Playoff Baseball again! Congrats to the Cleveland Indians for being AL Central Champions! Even with the change of season things remain relatively busy here in city government with a number of things to report on below.

Some quick reminders:

Rubbish/Recycling Collection
Monday October 9th is Columbus Day. There is no delay in collection for this week due to the holiday. Your regular pick up day will be as normal. Click Here for more information.

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: September 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

School is officially back in session. I like to wish all the students who live in Ward 3 a great 2017-2018 school year! The summer went by even faster this year and there a few things to update you on.

Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Event
Back by popular demand. I will be hosting again a Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Event this Saturday September 2nd from 1-3pm at Memorial Park Pavilion #2 located at 14600 State Rd in North Royalton. In the case of rain the event will be held inside the community room at city hall. I invite all North Royalton Ward 3 residents & their families to come out to enjoy a fun afternoon in the park. Filled with FREE food, games, and a chance to meet fellow neighbors too. Fire Truck Pizza Company will be serving up their famous pizza. Special appearance by the North Royalton Fire Department for the kids. All those who attend are encouraged to make a donation at the event to help support a local hometown charity of John Owen’s Adventure (JOA), which is working hard to raise awareness for Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy and other chronic childhood illnesses. They are also working to develop funds for finding a cure, sustaining the quality of life for these affected children and educating the general public about such illnesses. More than 1 million Americans affected by muscle diseases. For more information about the event please contact me by email at ward3@northroyalton.org or call 440-785-4240. Hope to see you there!

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