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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: August 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Wow the summer has gone by fast. It is hard to believe it is already August. Before you know it will be back to school time for the kids. Also this year is a special occasion for our city as we have begun to celebrate our rich past and bright future in this our bicentennial year since our founding in 1818. (Read More about our City’s History) In the Upcoming Events section of my newsletter you will see listed various events to celebrate our 200th Birthday as a City. I encourage you and your family to come celebrate this unique milestone in our City’s history! Also please Save the Date for the Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Event on September 1st below is more information.

Save the Date
Back by popular demand. North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw will host his Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park on September 1st from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Memorial Park Pavilion #2 located at 14600 State Rd in North Royalton. In the case of rain the event will be held inside the community room at city hall. No RSVP is needed. Councilman Langshaw invites all North Royalton Ward 3 residents to come out to enjoy a fun afternoon in the park. Filled with FREE food, games, and a chance to meet fellow neighbors too. Kona Ice will be serving up their famous sweet treats. Entertainment by North Royalton Dance Academy Hip-Hop Dance Team. Special appearances by the North Royalton Fire Department and North Royalton Police Department for the kids. Donations are welcome at the event to help support the Cleveland Clinic’s Fairview Hospital NICU in honor of Councilman Langshaw’s newborn son Derek who was born 7 weeks premature this year and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. Also pop tabs will be collected to help support the Ronald McDonald Family Room at the Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital as well at the event. For more information please contact Councilman Dan Langshaw by email at ward3@northroyalton.org or by phone at 440-785-4240.

Happy Bicentennial North Royalton!


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Ward 3 Quick Update July 25, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Just a few quick things to update you on.

Upcoming Bicentennial Events

July 28th & 29th
All day City-wide business sidewalk sale. Read More.

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: July 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Tomorrow July 4th marks the 242nd birthday for our nation. For generations we as Americans have been blessed to live freely. It is easy to forget sometimes the true meaning behind Independence Day. John F Kennedy said it best “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” A big reason why we are a free is because of the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in the US Military. So if you see a veteran or a service member in uniform on July 4th, thank them for their service.

As City Council approaches its’ upcoming summer recess in August there are still a number of things going on in your City Government to update you on below.

Rumpke Rubbish & Recycling Holiday Schedule Reminder
In observance of Independence Day, Rumpke trash and recycling collection will not occur on Wednesday, July 4th. Service will be delayed one day during the rest of the week (Wednesday will move to Thursday; Thursday will move to Friday; and Friday will move to Saturday).  Rumpke will return to its regular collection schedule the following week of July 8th. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171.

Beware of Possible Curb Painting Scams this Summer
Beware of possible curb painting scams this summer where a resident receives a flyer taped on their mailbox or door offering them an opportunity to have their address painted on the curb. They ask to have the resident leave payment taped to their front door and the work will be done. Often the money is taken and no work is done. If any residents see these persons dropping off envelopes or painting curbs, please immediately contact the North Royalton Police Department on the Non-Emergency Phone # at 440-237-8686 so they can check them out. Read More about past summer issues with these scams. If you do need a reliable address sign the North Royalton Fire Department does them for residents. They offer a reflective metal address sign that can be attached to your mailbox that can be seen by emergency responders year round in any weather. The cost for the sign is just $15.00 to cover the cost of materials. The Fire Fighters will even install the sign for residents if they are unable to do so themselves. Click Here if you are interested purchasing one.

Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July!

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Ward 3 Quick Update May 30, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Just wanted to give you a quick update.

Annual Fire Hydrant Flushing in Ward 3
The North Royalton Fire Department has started their annual fire hydrant flushing. The Fire Department will begin flushing hydrants here in Ward 3 beginning tomorrow Thursday, May 31st and will continue for the next 10 to 14 days.  It may take them longer due to call volume, training, weather and other mandatory daily requirements.  Please be alert for discolored water and if it should occur, run your cold water until it is clear. Before an area is tested, residents will be notified through the city’s reverse 911 phone system called ReadyNotify. If you have not signed up for the city’s reverse 911 Click Here to sign up.

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Ward 3 Quick Update May 28, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Just wanted to give you a quick update.

Rumpke Waste & Recycling Memorial Day Holiday Schedule 

In observance of Memorial Day, just a reminder Rumpke trash and recycling collection will be delayed one day the entire week of May 27th. This means if your regular pick-up day is Monday, it will be moved to Tuesday, Tuesday will be moved to Wednesday, etc. Rumpke will resume its normal schedule the week of June 3rd. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 or Click Here for their full 2018 holiday schedule.

New Curbside Recycling Program for Clothing & Housewares Starting June 4th
Many of you by now have gotten a mailer about this. But just a reminder City Council recently approved Ordinance 18-38 to enter into a contract with Simple Recycling, based in Solon, Ohio for curbside collection and recycling of clothing, shoes, textiles, and household goods, helping to divert hundreds of pounds of materials from landfill disposals each year. The program will start June 4th. How it works: On your regularly scheduled recycling day, place your orange Simple Recycling bags curbside besides your recycling cart. Special labeled tags are also available if you have household goods that are easier to box up. Simple Recycling will replenish your bag and tag supplies as you use them. This week you should be getting your bags in the mail. You can also request additional bags by visit their website at www.simplerecycling.com/supplies or contact Simple Recycling at 866-835-5068. This a free service to residents.

Memorial Day
Memorial Day is Today. Please join me in giving pause and thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation. Whether they fell in the Revolutionary War or the Global War on Terrorism and every war in between. They paid the ultimate price for the freedom we all enjoy today.

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: May 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

It’s nice to finally have some warmer weather. Also great to see the CAVS continue to advance in the NBA Playoffs! Here in City government things remain relative busy with a number of things to update you on below. Don’t forget to vote next Tuesday May 8th for the Primary Election. Here is some important information below to help you with voting.

May 8th Primary Election
Tuesday, May 8th is the Primary Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30am-7:30pm. The following places are polling locations for Ward 3 residents:

North Royalton Christian Church
5100 Royalton Rd.
Voting Precinct 3A

Albion Elementary School
9360 Albion Rd.
Voting Precinct 3B

North Royalton High School
14713 Ridge Rd.
Voting Precincts 3C and 3D

If you are still not sure what your polling location is, then Click Here. Or call the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at 216-443-8683. If you like to vote by mail by Click Here for a vote by mail application form. You can also Click Here for more information about the May 8th Primary Election from the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

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Ward 3 Quick Update: April 27, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

The opioid epidemic is something we are battling throughout our country, state, county, and even here in our own community. Often folks get addicted first to left over pain medication that were legally prescribed to them. This weekend you can help make a difference in the fight against the opioid or drug epidemic by safely disposing your unused medications at this weekend’s Medication Take Back Day this Saturday. See flyer below for more information. If you are unable to make the event, the North Royalton Police Station has a Medication Drop Off Box in their lobby where you can also safety dispose your unused medications 24/7 at your own convenience too. Thank you in advance for your willingness to help make a difference with this important issue!

Have a great weekend!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: April 2018

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Spring is here and baseball season has begun! As always Mother Nature tends to forget what season we are in. Regardless of the weather city government remains busier than ever with a number of things to update you on below. Don’t forget to vote in the May 8th Primary Election. Here is some important information below to help you with voting.

May 8th Primary Election
Tuesday, May 8th is the Primary Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30am-7:30pm. The following places are polling locations for Ward 3 residents:

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Ward 3 Quick Update for March 24, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a few quick things to update you on.

Click HERE to learn more.

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