Thank to Firehouse Sports Bar & Grille and Holistic Hallo Salta Spa for donating prizes! Thank you to all those who participated! Below are 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest Winners!
Congrats to 8208 Washington Ave the Sherry Family for being the winners of the 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for the Clark W Griswold Category. Their light display you can see from outer space and would make the famous Griswold Family jealous! They win a $25 Firehouse Sports Bar & Grill Gift Certificate.
Congrats to 11357 Worthington Way the Whiteman Family for being the winners of the 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for the Best Holiday Spirit Category. Their light display truly captures the classic holiday spirit! They win a $50 VISA Gift Card. Congrats!
Congrats to 6195 Castle Dr. the Kukla Family for being the winners of the 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for most LIKES on Facebook with over 75 LIKES being the Resident’s Choice for Best Holiday Lighting Display! They win a $25 VISA Gift Card and a FREE Salt Spa Room Session ($40 value) at the Holistic Halo Salt Spa. Congrats!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their family and friends! About 21 more days till Christmas! As we approach the end of 2018, things remain relatively busy in City Government with much to update you on below. Two quick things before I get into my update that I like to bring to your attention.
National Day of Mourning
President Donald Trump has declared tomorrow Wednesday December 4th a National Day of Mourning in honor of the late President George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st president of the United States who died November 30th. Please be aware that all federal offices, some banks and courts will be closed.The United States Postal Service will suspend regular mail deliveries, retail services and administrative office activity. The Postal Service will provide limited package delivery service on that day to ensure that the network remains fluid.
2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest
I invite all Ward 3 residents to participate in the First Annual Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest. CLICK HERE to watch contest video for details. The purpose of the contest is to stimulate and enhance a sense of community by rewarding North Royalton Ward 3 residents that go above-and-beyond in decorating their home for the winter holiday season.
Contest Rules
1. Entry is FREE, no cost or fees apply.
2. Participation is open only to North Royalton Ward 3 Residents.
3. Decorations must be visible from the street only for judging.
4. Last day to submit online entry form is Saturday, December 22nd, 2018.
5. Decorations for the contest must be available and lit up on December 23rd between the hours of 6:00pm and 9:00pm for judging.
6. Contest winners will be announced on December 24th.
7. All participants agree to have one or more photos of their decorated residence exterior posted on Councilman Dan Langshaw’s Facebook page, Twitter, website, and E-Newsletter. Participants agree there will be no compensation of any kind for said postings or publication.
8. In addition, there will be a Facebook contest for those who submit a photo and address for residents to vote on. Facebook contest Winner will be announced on December 30th.
Best Holiday Spirit- Light display that truly captures the classic holiday spirit!
Clark W. Griswold – The display you can see from outer space!
(Facebook Contest – Residents’ Choice)
Best Holiday Spirit Winner: $50 Visa Gift Card
Clark W. Griswold Winner: $25 Firehouse Sports Bar & Grill Gift Certificate
Facebook Contest Winner: $25 Visa Gift Card and a Free Salt Spa Room Session ($40 value) at the Holistic Halo Salt Spa
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your families! Just a quick update on a few items below.
Small Business Saturday
Today November 24th is Small Business Saturday. Please consider supporting our local businesses here in North Royalton this holiday season! Today there are a few local business having a Small Business Saturday Specials. Read More.
Holiday Lighting & Christmas Parade
The Annual North Royalton Holiday Lighting & Christmas Parade will be tomorrow November 25th starting at 4:45pm on the City Green. Read More. Santa will also be in town too for the kids!
Have a Great Weekend and GO Buckeyes!
Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Although the holiday season is close upon us, things continue to remain relatively busy here in city government as we start to prepare the 2019 City Budget. Before I get into my update for this month, I have a few quick reminders.
Election Day TODAY
Thomas Jefferson said it best “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” So make sure you participate and exercise your right to vote TODAY November 6th on Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30am-7:30pm today. The following places are polling locations for Ward 3 residents:
North Royalton Christian Church
5100 Royalton Rd
Voting Precinct 3A
Albion Elementary School
9360 Albion Rd
Voting Precinct 3B
North Royalton High School
14713 Ridge Rd
Voting Precincts 3C & 3D
If you are still not sure what your polling location is, then Click Here. Or call the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at 216-443-8683.
State Issue 1
I am continuing to get questions from residents about where I stand on State Issue 1 that is on the November 6th Ballot. Click Here to read my position and other community leaders. No matter where you stand on this issue. Please make sure you do your homework before you vote. If passed State Issue 1 will be very hard to change since it is a constitutional amendment.
Veterans Day
November 12th is Veterans Day. Please join me in thanking all those who have served or are currently serving our country in the United States Military. We owe them a great debt of gratitude for all their sacrifices they have made in the defense of our great nation.
Have a great Week!Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
North Royalton Bicentennial Time Capsule Ceremony
Today Saturday October 27th at 1:00pm the City will be burying a time capsule on the official date of the City of North Royalton’s founding outside the North Royalton Historical Society Museum located at 13759 Ridge Rd. Please come out for this historic event to officially end this year’s Bicentennial Celebration! At the conclusion of the ceremony we will have cake! Read More.
Halloween Trick or Treat Night
Halloween Trick or Treat Night will be held on October 31st from 6-8 pm in the City of North Royalton.
Have a Great Weekend and Happy Birthday North Royalton!
Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
Fall is officially here! So is Playoff Baseball for the Cleveland Indians and the Cleveland Browns have actually won two games! October is definitely off to a great start! Things remain relatively busy here in city government with a number of things to report on below.
Some quick reminders:
Halloween Trick or Treat Night
Halloween Trick or Treat Night will be held on October 31st from 6-8 pm in the City of North Royalton.
November 6th General Election
On the November 6th General Election ballot there are candidates for United States Senator, Representative to Congress (16th District), State Representative (7th District), Governor & Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Attorney General, State Treasurer, Justices for State Supreme Court, County Court Judges, and more. There also State Issue, County Charter Amendments, and School District Renewal Operating Levy. Make sure you exercise your right to vote! October 9th is the last day to register to vote in the November General Election. If you are not registered to vote Click Here to register today. October 10th Vote by Mail begins. To avoid lines on Election Day, and to allow extra time to study the ballot, all registered voters may Vote by Mail. Vote by Mail ballot applications are available at the Board of Elections website by Clicking Here, by calling the Board of Elections at 216-443-8683, and at all public libraries. Polls are open on November 6th from 6:30am-7:30pm. Click Here for more information.
Have a great week and GO BROWNS!
Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
Just a quick update on a few items below I want to bring your attention to.
Heavy Rains Expected This Weekend
The extended weather forecast calls for heavy rainfall amounts late Saturday all day Sunday. The North Royalton Service Department and Wastewater Departments will be working 24/7 during this weekend’s rain event.
Service department employees will be working throughout the city in an effort to prevent debris blockage in catch basins, culverts and streams. Residents can do their part by inspecting and cleaning swales, ditches and sewer grates on their property. While we have had tremendous success the past ten years addressing decades of neglect to our infrastructure, it is important to understand in the heaviest of rain events there is a possibility of flooded roadways, creeks, roadside ditches and storm sewers. Our Service and Wastewater Department employees will do everything they can to keep our roads safe and the rainwater moving during this expected rain event. As always, our Police and Fire Departments are prepared to react and assist in any emergency situation. Also if I can be of any assistance I can be reached at 440-785-4240 or Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding!
Sprague Road Update
Sprague Road is open again to all traffic between York Road and West 130th. The overlay paving is complete. Special thanks to the City of Parma and Cuyahoga County working with our City to get this done so quickly! Read More…
School is officially back in session. I like to wish all the students who live in Ward 3 a great 2018-2019 school year! The summer went by fast. Although City Council was on summer recess for the month of August. There are still a number of things to update you on.
Holiday Schedule for Rumpke Waste and Recycling Reminder
In recognition of the Labor Day holiday, Rumpke Waste and Recycling service will be delayed one day the week of September 3rd. This means that if your regular pick up day is Monday, your rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, Tuesday collection will move to Wednesday, Wednesday collection will move to Thursday, Thursday collection will move to Friday and Friday collection will move to Saturday. Rumpke will resume their regular pick up schedule the week of September 10th. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 or Click Here for their full 2018 holiday schedule.
Hope you had a great Labor Day!
Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
Ward 3 Picnic in the Park this Saturday September 1st
Back by popular demand. North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw will host his Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park on September 1st from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Memorial Park Pavilion #2 located at 14600 State Rd in North Royalton. In the case of rain the event will be held inside the community room at city hall. No RSVP is needed. Councilman Langshaw invites all North Royalton Ward 3 residents to come out to enjoy a fun afternoon in the park. Filled with FREE food, games, and a chance to meet fellow neighbors too. Kona Ice will be serving up their famous sweet treats. Entertainment by North Royalton Dance Academy Hip-Hop Dance Team. Special appearances by the North Royalton Fire Department and North Royalton Police Department for the kids. Donations are welcome at the event to help support the Cleveland Clinic’s Fairview Hospital NICU in honor of Councilman Langshaw’s newborn son Derek who was born 7 weeks premature this year and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. Also pop tabs will be collected to help support the Ronald McDonald Family Room at the Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital as well at the event. For more information please contact Councilman Dan Langshaw by email at or by phone at 440-785-4240.
Just a quick update about all the fun things going on this weekend as part of celebrating our 200th Birthday as a City! Hope to see you and your families this weekend!
North Royalton Bicentennial Community Festival
August 10th-12th at the City Green. Read More.
North Royalton Bicentennial Community Festival Parade
North Royalton Community Festival Parade is on August 12th Steps off at 3:00pm from St. Albert the Great and proceeds down Ridge Rd. to the North Royalton High School.
North Royalton Bicentennial Community Festival Fireworks
Fireworks at dusk on August 12th
Learn about our City’s History Across the street from the Bicentennial Community Festival on the City Green stop by the North Royalton Historical Society Museum located at 13759 Ridge Road during Festival on the following dates and times:
Friday, August 10, 6pm to 9pm
Saturday, August 11, 12 to 8pm
Sunday, August 12, 12 to 8pm
Learn more about North Royalton’s rich history the last 200 years by getting a tour of their museum.
The Historical Society will also be selling special limited edition Bicentennial Tee Shirts ($12 or 2 for $20) & Pennants ($5 or 2 for $8) available at the their museum. All proceeds benefit the North Royalton Historical Society efforts to preserve history of North Royalton and the museum. Cash and checks (with i.d. accepted). Sorry, no credit cards accepted. Any questions contact the Historical Society at and also you can follow them on Facebook @NRHistoricalSociety
Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday North Royalton!!
Dan Langshaw Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
National Police Week is this week. May God Bless all those who serve in law enforcement and have made the ultimate…
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If you didn’t know there will be a Special Election on August 8th. Please make sure you VOTE. All elections matter!…
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