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Board Update

Good Morning:

Its official I am a member of the North Royalton School Board! I was just sworn into the Board, last week at our Organization Meeting held on January 11th. I am truly honored and humbled at this opportunity to serve all of you. This is a historic moment in my life but most importantly a historic moment for all the Broadview Heights and North Royalton residents who live in the North Royalton School District. I look forward ensuring that our students and community are always put first for the next four years as a member of the School Board. If this is the first time you are getting my e-mail updates; my previous updates can be found on my blog at
http://votelangshaw4board.blogspot.com or check out my website www.danlangshaw.com for regular updates on coming events and meetings as well. If you have a friend, neighbor, fellow PTA member who would also be interested in receiving my e-mail weekly updates please have them e-mail me at danlangshaw4schoolboard@yahoo.com and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

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North Royalton School Board Special Meeting

Today Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 6pm

The North Royalton School Board will hold a Special Meeting at the North Royalton Board of Education Office to review January 2010 Organizational & Regular Meeting agenda items, and such other matters that may come before the board.

Meetings, Meetings, and More Meetings

Real quick I had a great opportunity today to meet with both of our State Representatives. State Represenative Matt Patten & State Senator Tom Patton brought me up to speed with things that are going on in Columbus regarding education.

Later in the evening the School Board had our first Work Session of the year to prepare for the first Regular School Board Meeting on Monday.

I will being doing these blogs when I can. If you have signed up to recieve my e-mail updates you will be getting those very soon. Please check my website www.danlangshaw.com from time to time. Also become one of my followers on twitter as well to keep in touch.

Notes from the December Regular North Royalton School Board Meeting

At the December 14th Regular School Board meeting the Board took the following actions:
-Set Jan. 11, 2010 at 7pm, NRHS Community Rm, as the time and place for the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education.
-Approved the appointment of Heidi Dolezal as the President Pro Tempore for the 2010 Board of Education Organizational Meeting.

-Approved advance from the General Fund. Read More…

Transition Update

I have been very busy since being declared the winner on November 3rd in getting ready to take office on January 11th. I have completed my tour of all the schools in the district and have met every principal of each as well. In addition I have met with the entire administrative team up at the board office. I have attended the last two school board work sessions and am getting up to speed with things.


Welcome to my School Board Member Blog. I will be posting time to time updates on what we are currently doing on the North Royalton School Board.