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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: February 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

The verdict is in the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter. Looking outside today I’m not too sure if he is correct about that. Regardless Spring will be here before we know it! City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.

Have a great rest of the week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
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North Royalton Ward 3 Rubbish & Recycling Survey Results

Thank you to the 73 residents that responded to my quick online survey over the weekend. Also thank you to all the residents who have called or emailed me since December 6th about the rubbish & recycling contract. I just wanted to share some results of my survey below. The results helped reinforce all the other feedback I have heard from residents on this issue.

Question: Would you be supportive of automated recycling if given a free 65 gallon bin with wheels for weekly curbside collection?
64.38% Yes
23.29% No
12.33% Maybe

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Ward 3 Quick Update for November 23, 2015

Ward 3 Resident,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on some important items and upcoming events before the Thanksgiving Holiday.

North Royalton Ward 3 Sidewalk Survey
I have launched an online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NKGPCRQ for Ward 3 residents to give further input on the issue of sidewalks. Council has been debating this issue for over five years. All of the ward councilmen were urged to reach out to their residents in correlation with this issue after the November 4th City Council Streets Committee Meeting. City Council has been reviewing the recommendations from the year long North Royalton Alternative Transportation Study that was conducted by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency. The study expands upon recommendations made from the 2014 City Master Plan that calls for the city to increase connectivity throughout parts of the city through various methods such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and etc. The study highlights some specific areas of the city to start focusing on for the future in regard to the installation of sidewalks.. The only areas in our ward that were recommend are as follows: State Rd. (Wallings Rd. to Castle Dr.) and York Rd. (York Alpha Dr, to W Wallings Rd.). Your feedback and participation are greatly appreciated. The sidewalk survey will run until January 4, 2016. Ward 3 residents who don’t have internet access can pick up a paper version of the survey at the City Council Office at 14600 State Rd. Click Here to complete the survey now.

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Ward 3 Quick Update May 25, 2015

Ward 3 Resident,

Just wanted to give you a quick update.

Rumpke Waste & Recycling Memorial Day Holiday Schedule
In observance of Memorial Day, Rumpke trash and recycling collection will be delayed one day the entire week of May 25th. This means if your regular pick-up day is Monday, it will be moved to Tuesday, Tuesday will be moved to Wednesday, etc. Rumpke will resume its normal schedule the week of June 1st. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 or Click Here for their full 2015 holiday schedule.

Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day. Please join me in giving pause and thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation. Whether they fell in the Revolutionary War or the Global War on Terrorism and every war in between. They paid the ultimate price for the freedom we all enjoy today.


Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 Quick Update December 24, 2014

Ward 3 Resident,

Just wanted to give you a quick update before all the holiday festivities commence.

Rumpke Waste & Recycling Christmas Holiday Schedule
Service will NOT occur on Thursday, December 25th due to the Christmas holiday. Service will be delayed one day for the rest of the week which means Thursday service will move to Friday and Friday service will move to Saturday. Rumpke will return to its regular collection schedule the week after New Year’s. If you have any questions, you can contact Rumpke directly at 1-800-828-8171.


I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council



Special Congrats to the Boys 9-10 Year Old North Royalton Baseball League Champions Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw’s Pirates. Pictured (left to right) First Row: Dominic Hatfield, Daniel McKee, Michael Armbruster Second Row: Coach Kevin Culum, Christopher Domke, Nicholas Colabianchi, Vincent Fink, Coach Greg Kroft Third Row: Edison Kroft, Nicholas Loveland, Robert Bogus, Justin Penkalski, Brendan Culum Fourth Row: Coaches Bryan Armbruster, Rob Bogus, Michael Colabianchi, Kehli Hatfield, and Patrick McKee

School Board Member Dan Langshaw’s Statement on Governor John Kasich’s New School Funding Plan

After reviewing Governor John Kasich’s new school funding plan, I must say it is a lot to digest on the surface. While it is encouraging that the Governor says that no district will receive less than it did in the current 2013 fiscal year. I think it is too early to tell if this helps or hurts the North Royalton City School District one way or the other. The details are always what counts with a budget proposal. A key piece of information that we don’t have yet are the simulations by district. Also there are some questions that I believe we need to ask. Will the Governor’s new school funding plan restore the $3 million dollars in cuts he and the General Assembly made under HB 153 the last state budget to our school district? Kasich is the fourth straight governor to propose a new school funding plan, what makes his plan constitutional to comply with decade old Ohio Supreme Court case DeRolph v. State? Finally, are the revenue sources stable enough to fully pay for this new plan? As the Board Legislative Liaison, I don’t plan to wait for an answer. I have plans to meet with our State Representative Mike Dovilla and other lawmakers. In addition I am working again with Cuyahoga Heights School Board Member Reno Contipelli and North Olmsted School Board Member Terry Groden to organize another Educational Roundtable Discussion for schools in Ohio’s 24th Senate District on the state budget. We plan to bring lawmakers here to engage in direct dialogue with key stakeholders to discuss how we move forward with this new school funding plan. The work has just begun!

To learn more about the Governor’s plan check out the link below:


Board Update

Good Evening:

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families in Newtown, CT after this heartbreaking tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at www.danlangshaw.com.

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Statement by Superintendent Ed Vittardi on the Tragedy in Newtown, CT

Dear Parents,

The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut compels us to not only share the sense of loss and mourning, but also reflect on the procedures and process we have in place at North Royalton City Schools in regards to school security and safety. The district has gone to great lengths to develop and practice lock down and evacuation procedures, as well as identifying specific duties and responsibilities for district personnel. We review these procedures on a regular basis, and this tragic event reminds all of us at North Royalton City Schools that we must remain diligent and steadfast in these efforts.

Please know that as daily procedure, we do lock down each of our buildings in the mornings. We have a North Royalton Police Officer in the district serving as our resource officer, additional police officer(s) in the high school and middle school parking lot, and specific security and response processes are in place.

The North Royalton City Schools will continue to be vigilant in regards to school safety and security, and joins all other school districts and communities in their thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families as well as the staff, students, and Newtown Connecticut community.


Edward A. Vittardi

Letter from Ohio Secretary of State on my Concens about restrictions on Voting

Got a response back today from Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted after I expressed my concerns regarding his actions to hurt voting rights in our state. The right to vote is so important.