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Ward 3 Quick Update July 15, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a quick update. Ward 3 residents who live on Albion Road please pay extra attention to below.

Albion Road Resurfacing Project Update
Crossroads Asphalt Recycling has begin the Albion Road Resurfacing Project (between York and Ridge Roads). Both lanes of traffic will be effected during this project and it should completed by Friday, July 19. The other part of Albion Road (between York Road and West 130th) will be done after the Abbey Road closure is lifted.

Ward 3 Residents who live on Albion Road will still receive their weekly Rumpke trash/recycling curbside service on their regularly scheduled day during construction. However, in order to alleviate the traffic situation in this area during the construction process, Rumpke trucks will be there in that area at 7:00am for collection. Please make note of this specific time and place any and all trash/recycling out before 7:00am.

Have a great rest of the week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: July 2019

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

As City Council approaches its’ upcoming summer recess in August there are still a number of things going on in your City Government to update you on below.

Save the Date
Save the Date. Back by popular demand. North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw will host his Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park on August 31st from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Memorial Park Pavilion #2 located at 14600 State Rd in North Royalton. More details coming soon….

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June 17, 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw Substitute House Bill 166 Testimony before Ohio Senate Finance Committee

Chairman Dolan, Vice Chair Burke, Ranking Member Sykes, and committee members. My name is Dan Langshaw and I am the Ward 3 Councilman on the North Royalton City Council. Thank you for the opportunity once again testify on Substitute House Bill 166 the State Operating Budget this time in the Senate.

The residents I serve and all Ohioans wonder why there are so many communities having to put more levies, bond issues, and other ballot measures these days? Why are our highways, roads, bridges, and infrastructure falling apart in our state? The answer is local governments historically have not been getting the funding they desperately need to address these issues in our communities.

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Ward 3 Quick Update May 26, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

I have just a few quick items to update you on below this Memorial Day Weekend.

Rumpke Waste & Recycling Memorial Day Holiday Schedule 
In observance of Memorial Day, just a reminder Rumpke trash and recycling collection will NOT occur on Monday May 27th. Service will be delayed one day the entire week of May 27th. This means if your regular pick-up day is Monday, it will be moved to Tuesday, Tuesday will be moved to Wednesday, etc. Rumpke will resume its normal schedule the week of June 3rd. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 or Click Here for their full 2019 holiday schedule.

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May 14, 2019 Public Comments on Ordinance 2019-0005 before Cuyahoga County Council

Good evening members of the Cuyahoga County Council. My name is Dan Langshaw and I am the Ward 3 Councilman on the North Royalton City Council. Thank you for the opportunity provide comments regarding proposed Ordinance 2019-0005 the county disposable bag ban on behalf of my residents.

The sponsors of this legislation mean well. However, my residents have three key points they would like for you to take into consideration before you vote on this ban tonight. First, the timing of this legislation seems to be a smoke screen to avoid dealing with serious issues of alleged county corruption that is being investigated by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. The perception is a concern as well as the need for increased oversight in county government.

Second, the priorities of this council is a concern. If you ask my residents their top priorities are seeing additional county assistance for residents dying of the opioid epidemic, battling poverty, and addressing urgent infrastructure needs. For example I have an intersection of York Road (a county road) and Albion Road in my ward that desperately could use Issue One funding for a traffic study to help in making it safer and less congested. However, we must battle against cities like Cleveland for years to come even close to scoring for such funds. The environment is a concern but council needs to focus on other urgent priories as well county-wide.

Third, this bag ban seems to be pushed down our throats. Why isn’t this on the ballot for a vote? No one from the county has even reached out to local elected officials like myself in the other 58 municipalities to see how we could work more collaboratively together towards addressing this issue regionally. As well as exploring ways to expand existing education, environmental, and sustainability programs in our communities.

In closing, I agree with my residents that County Council should put this issue on the ballot for November. Give ALL residents whether they live on the east or west of this county a chance to collaboratively have their voices heard regarding this issue. A more collaborative approach such as this gives more time to educate residents, advocate to state lawmakers, and work with local elected officials toward a common goal of protecting our environment.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you.

May 6, 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw & Ward 4 Councilman Paul Marnecheck House Bill 166 Joint Testimony before Ohio House Finance Committee

Chairman Oelslager, Vice Chair Scherer, Ranking Member Cera, and committee members. My name is Dan Langshaw and I am the Ward 3 Councilman on the North Royalton City Council. I am also accompanied by my colleague North Royalton Ward 4 Councilman Paul Marnecheck. Thank you for the opportunity for us both to testify on House Bill 166 the State Operating Budget.

The residents we both serve and all Ohioans wonder why there are so many communities having to put more levies, bond issues, and other ballot measures these days? Why are our highways, roads, bridges, and infrastructure falling apart in our state? The answer is looking you in the mirror. It is the leadership in Columbus for almost a decade that has caused this mess. Local governments historically have not been getting the funding they desperately need to address these issues in our communities.

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Ward 3 Quick Update January 19, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a few quick updates regarding the winter storm hitting our area. The National Weather Service is forecasting heavy snow this weekend. The city has crews working 24/7 to keep our roads clear and safe. Please be patience as crews clear the main and secondary roads first and then move on to the side streets, subdivisions and cul-de-sacs. 

Snow Parking Ban In Place
A snow parking ban has been put into effect in for the entire City of North Royalton. Do not park on city streets. The snow parking ban pertains to all city streets in North Royalton and will not be cancelled until a police department supervisor deems all roads safe and clear, which typically occurs after snow plow operations have been completed. Violators of the snow parking ban are subject to parking citations and/or impoundment of their vehicles. North Royalton Police Department will advise when ban is to be lifted. Please share with your fellow neighbors in our ward. If you like too stay up to date about the snow parking ban you can check out the NRPD Facebook page. You can also see updates in the Facebook and Twitter feed portions of my website’s homepage at www.danlangshaw.com

Have a Safe Weekend!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 Quick Update December 25, 2018

Ward 3 Resident,

Hope everyone is having a great Christmas and Holiday Season! Just a quick update on a few items below.

Rumpke Trash & Recycling Holiday Schedule

Christmas Day 2018
Trash & Recycling Service will NOT occur on Tuesday, December 25th. Service will be delayed one day during the rest of the week (Tuesday will move to Wednesday; Wednesday will move to Thursday; Thursday will move to Friday; and Friday will move to Saturday).

New Year’s Day 2019
Trash & Recycling Service will NOT occur on Tuesday, January 1st. Service will be delayed one day during the rest of the week (Tuesday will move to Wednesday; Wednesday will move to Thursday; Thursday will move to Friday; and Friday will move to Saturday). Rumpke will return to its regular collection schedule the following week.

Click HERE to view Rumpke’s holiday schedule to see a complete list of days that impact your service.

City Recycling Yard Holiday Hours
The City Recycling Yard will be open both Saturday December 22nd and Saturday December 29th from 8am-3pm.

2018 Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest


Congrats to 8208 Washington Ave the Sherry Family for being the winners of the 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for the Clark W Griswold Category. Their light display you can see from outer space and would make the famous Griswold Family jealous! They win a $25 Firehouse Sports Bar & Grill Gift Certificate.

Congrats to 11357 Worthington Way the Whiteman Family for being the winners of the 2018 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for the Best Holiday Spirt Category. Their light display truly captures the classic holiday spirit! They win a $50 VISA Gift Card. Congrats!

Congrats to all the winners! Thank to Firehouse Sports Bar & Grille and Holistic Hallo Salta Spa for donating prizes! Thank you to all those who participated! Remember the Facebook Contest is still going on and you can vote on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DanLangshawNR till December 29th. Facebook winner will be announced on December 30th.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the First Family of North Royalton Ward 3 (Derek, Marissa, Henry, Dan, and Missy Langshaw)

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: March 2017

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Mother Nature sure has been giving us all kinds of weather the last few weeks. At least we are getting closer to Spring. Just a reminder don’t forget to move your clocks ahead an hour this Sunday March 12th for Daylight Savings Time. It might also be a good idea to check all batteries in the smoke detectors in your home too. City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.





Have a great rest of the week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

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Ward 3 Quick Update for February 20, 2017

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a quick reminder.

Rumpke Rubbish & Recycling Collection Schedule
There is NO DELAY in rubbish or recycling collection for this week due to the President’s Day Holiday. Your regular pick up day will be as normal this week. Please share this with any of your fellow neighbors who may not get my Ward Updates. If you have any issues or concerns regarding your pick up, please contact the City Service Department at 440-582-3002. Also, if you like for the 2017 Rumpke Rubbish & Recycling Collection Schedule Click Here.

Have a Happy President’s Day and a great rest of the week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council