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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: June 2020

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,Summer is here. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic is still here too. Here in Ward 3 we have lost a resident to COVID-19. We have also had residents get COVID-19, including one resident who was hospitalized for over 40 days and even was on a ventilator. They have beaten COVID-19 and are home now. But their kidneys are compromised as a result of the virus and require dialysis. I share this with you all because we all want things to return back to normal.  But until there is a vaccine and further medical advances we all still need to be careful. So please continue to wear a face-covering or mask in public, use social distancing, wash your hands, sanitize commonly used surfaces at home, stay home if you are sick, and proper hygiene to help eliminate the spread of COVID-19 in our community! You can also read by Click Here why I feel it is important to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Again I am so proud of how brave, patient, and caring you all have been to help our fellow neighbors and local businesses struggling as a result of COVID-19! I have some additional COVID-19 information that you should be aware of since my last update and whats going in your city government.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

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List of Local North Royalton Businesses Selling Face Masks or Coverings

(Updated May 15, 2020 at 7:00am)

Email me at ward3@northroyalton.org if you have more local businesses I can add to the list below that are selling Face Masks or Coverings per CDC guidelines.

Madelyn Rose Boutique
6552 Royalton Rd
North Royalton, Ohio 44133
$1.00 for each of these sold will still go to the NR Food Bank

Holistic Halo Salt Spa
12901 State Road
North Royalton, Ohio

Jazzy June Bug
5620 Wallings Rd.
North Royalton, Ohio 44133

Made For Me by Michelle

Generations Antiques and More
13630 Ridge Rd
North Royalton, Ohio 44133
Get Directions
Highlights info row image

Gearin Up
6687 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133
Click Here to view mask collection

Ward 3 Quick Update: March 23, 2020

Ward 3 Resident,

On Sunday, March 22th, under the direction of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D., MPH issued a director’s order to require all Ohioans to stay in their homes to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 beginning TONIGHT at 11:59pm EDT on Monday, March 23, 2020 until 11:59pm on April 6, 2020. This order prohibits holding gatherings of any size and closes all nonessential businesses. It does NOT prohibit essential activities like going to the grocery store, receiving medical care, or taking your pet for a walk. Residents can return home from out of state and can leave the state. I have also implemented the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program. See below for more information. It was reported today by the Governor that state-wide there are 442 confirmed case, 6 deaths, and 149 cases here in Cuyahoga County. This very serious and we must #StayHome to #FlattenTheCurve and end the community spread of COVID-19. We can get through this but we all must work together to fight this war on COVID-19!

Click Here read the full order which explains the parameters of the order and lists all of the businesses and organizations that are permitted to stay open.

Click Here to read the Ohio Department of Health’s FAQs regarding the Stay at Home order.

Again a reminder that Top 4 places to get accurate and 24/7 situational information you need to know in staying safe throughout this emergency are the following resources:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

State of Ohio & Governor Mike DeWine

City of North Royalton
Website: www.northroyalton.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthRoyaltonOH/

COVID-19 Hotline: 833-427-5634 or 833-4-ASK

Some additional things to update you on regarding COVID-19 since my last update below:

North Royalton Ward 3 Tele/Facebook Live Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 TONIGHT
I invite North Royalton Ward 3 residents to join me TONIGHT Monday March 23th at 7:30pm for a Tele/Facebook Live Town Hall Meeting regarding COVID-19. I want to continue to listen to resident concerns, questions, and feedback to better understand how to best serve you all through this crisis. You dial in by phone by calling 425-650-1609 and enter Conference Code: 402749 or on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DanLangshawNR

North Royalton City Government Important Updates Regarding COVID-19

Some key things to be aware of regarding the local impact of COVID-19

  • Service Yard will be closed Saturday March 21 until further notice;
  • Shred day has been rescheduled to Saturday June 27;
  • All city building will be closed to the public, except for limited access at the Building Department and of course the lobby of the Police Department and Fire Station;
  • Residents, vendors, and visitors will be encouraged to call, email, or mail for services and questions.
  • All city employees have been instructed to self-monitor for any illness and stay home if they or a family member have any symptoms or is ill.
  •  City department heads are establishing enhanced cleaning of offices, buildings, and equipment;
  • Mayor’s court has suspended court hearings until April 23
  • Office on Aging has closed its office- with email and telephone access only.
  • City jail has increased its cleaning processes and reduced jail population.
  • No community gatherings or meetings, including AA meetings

Click Here to View Current Updates from the City of North Royalton.

North Royalton Ward 3 COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Website
North Royalton Ward 3 Residents Click Here to view the COVID-19 Ward 3 Updates and helpful information.

Ward 3 Residents & Businesses Needing Help Due to COVID-19
I apologize for any delay to anyone’s phone calls or emails. I am starting to get caught up. Please if it is an Urgent Issue call or text me at 440-785-4240. All other issues email is the easiest for me to catch up. My email address is Ward3@northroyalton.org. Again if you need food, connection to vital services, and more don’t hesitate to contact me.

Monthly North Royalton Ward 3 Constituent Coffee Change to Online ONLY
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me.

The next coffee will be held on:

When: March 28, 2020

Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm

Where:ONLINE ONLY on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/DanLangshawNR

Note is NOT at Peeboo & Beanie Gourmet Ice Cream as previously scheduled due to the COVID-19 Emergency.

North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program for COVID-19 Launched

Mission: Councilman Dan Langshaw launched on March 20, 2020 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program, to establish a North Royalton Ward 3 “buddy” system in North Royalton, Ohio to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19 related news, food, services, and help keep a positive morale to get through the COVID-19 emergency safely.

How to get a Buddy?

North Royalton Ward 3 residents who are interested in having a buddy are to contact Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw via email at ward3@northroyalton.org, or online at http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact or by phone at 440-785-4240. We especially want elderly residents, residents living alone, those with health conditions making them high risk to COVID-19, and just residents who want to have an extra neighbor to check in on them. (Note: Residents not living in Ward 3 who want a buddy will not be turned away).

How to be a Buddy Volunteer?
Any North Royalton Ward 3 residents who are interested in volunteering to be a buddy are to contact Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw via email at ward3@northroyalton.org, or online at http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact or by phone at 440-785-4240. (Note: Residents not living in Ward 3 who want to be a buddy will not be turned away). Once you volunteer to become a buddy, then Councilman will pair the two buddies together. Every effort will be made to have folks in the same neighborhood paired up. Councilman Langshaw will make the initial introductions, provide a buddy program checklist, and then the buddies will determine the frequency/means of check ins. Due to serious safety concerns with COVID-19 it is strongly urged that buddy communications are done by phone, email, Facebook, video chat, and other means till deemed safe by proper state and local authorities.

How the Program Works?
How the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program for the COVID-19 Emergency works. Buddies will contact each other on a daily basis or a frequency they both mutually agreed upon. The volunteer buddy will have an emergency contact of their buddy in case they are unable to be reached. The volunteer buddy when contacting their assigned buddy will go thru a basic checklist to ensure their buddy is ok and then can discuss anything they like to talk about as buddies. Due to serious safety concerns with COVID-19 it is strongly urged that buddy communications are done by phone, email, Facebook, video chat, and other means till deemed safe by proper state and local authorities. Once buddy volunteer makes contact with their assigned buddy they are to email Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw at ward3@northroyalton.org a quick update on their buddy as follows: that they have made contact and if their buddy needs any assistance.

Check out the North Royalton Ward 3 Buddy Program Facebook Page by Clicking Here.

Note: This program is a voluntary neighborhood program established by North Royalton Ward 3 City Councilman Dan Langshaw on March 20, 2020 and is not affiliated with any specific group, organization, or part of the North Royalton City government. All those participating are expected to take all appropriate safety measures to not put their life or others at risk during the COVID-19 Emergency.

Stay Home, Look after each other, and Stay Safe!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

PS: Due to the large volume of phone calls. I ask residents and business needing assistance, please email me at Ward3@northroyalton.org so it will be easier for me to prioritize who I need to help or direct to the appropriate resources.


March 20, 2020 #NRWard3Buddy Program Launched


Councilman Dan Langshaw announces the launch of the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program, to establish a North Royalton Ward 3 “buddy” system in North Royalton, Ohio to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19 related news, food, services, and help keep a positive morale to get through the COVID-19 emergency safely.

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2019 Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest Winners

Special thanks to The Jump Yard, Peebo & Beanie Gourmet Ice Cream, Kavana Social Kitchen, Holistic Hallo Salta Spa, Jazzy June Bug, North Royalton McDonald’s Restaurant, and Loder’s Shake Shoppe for donating prizes! Thank you to all those who participated! Below are 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest Winners!


Congrats to 8045 Washington Ave the Bradler Family for being the winners of the 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for the Best Holiday Spirit Category. Their light display truly captures the classic holiday spirit! They win a $50 VISA Gift Card, Family Fun Package ($99 value) at The Jump Yard, and a $10 Peeboo & Beanie Gourmet Ice Cream Gift Certificate.

Congrats to 8208 Washington Ave the Sherry Family for being the winners of the 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest  for the Clark W. Griswold Category. Their light display you can see from outer space and would make Clark W. Griswold very proud! They win a $25 Kavana Social Kitchen Gift Card and a FREE Salt Spa Room Session ($40 value) at the Holistic Halo Salt Spa.


Congrats to 8778 Wallings Rd the Potraza Family for being the winners of the 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Holiday Lighting Contest for the Straight Out of a Hallmark Christmas Category! Their light display that reminds you of a classic Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel! They win a $25 Jazzy June Bug Card, Jazzy June Bug Momma Bear Prize Package ($50 value), and (5) FREE Extra Value Meals at McDonald’s Restaurant.

Congrats to 8778 Wallings Rd the Potraza Family for also being the winners of the 2019 North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest for most LIKES on Facebook with over 129 LIKES being the Resident’s Choice for Best Holiday Lighting Display! They win a $25 VISA Gift Card, $20 Loder’s Shake Shoppe Gift Certificate, and (5) FREE Extra Value Meals at McDonald’s Restaurant.

Ward 3 E-Newsletter: December 2019

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their family and friends! About 17 more days till Christmas! As we approach the end of 2019, things remain relatively busy in City Government as we begin to prepare for the transition with a new majority of City Council, Council President, and Mayor with much to update you on below.

2nd Annual North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest
I invite all Ward 3 residents to participate in the 2nd Annual Ward 3 Neighborhood Holiday Lighting Contest. Click Here to watch contest video for details. The purpose of the contest is to stimulate and enhance a sense of community by rewarding North Royalton Ward 3 residents that go above-and-beyond in decorating their home for the winter holiday season.

Contest Rules
1. Entry is FREE, no cost or fees apply.
2. Participation is open only to North Royalton Ward 3 Residents.
3. Decorations must be visible from the street only for judging.
4. Last day to submit online entry form is Sunday, December 22nd.
5. Decorations for the contest must be available and lit up on December 23rd between the hours of 6:00pm and 9:00pm for judging.
6. Contest winners will be announced on Christmas Eve December 24th.
7. All participants agree to have one or more photos of their decorated residence exterior posted on Councilman Dan Langshaw’s Facebook page, Twitter, website, and E-Newsletter. Participants agree there will be no compensation of any kind for said postings or publication.
8. In addition, there will be a Facebook contest for those who submit a photo and address for residents to vote on. Facebook contest Winner will be announced on December 30th.

Best Holiday Spirit– Light display that truly captures the classic holiday spirit!
Clark W. Griswold – The display you can see from outer space!
Straight Out of a Hallmark Christmas Movie-The display that reminds you of classic Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel like: The Christmas Card, A Heavenly Christmas, The Christmas Ornament, A Christmas Detour, Christmas Under Wraps, and more.
(Facebook Contest – Residents’ Choice)

Best Holiday Spirit Winner: $50 VISA Gift Card, Family Fun Package ($99 value) at The Jump Yard, and $10 Peeboo & Beanie Gourmet Ice Cream Gift Certificate.
Clark W. Griswold Winner: $25 Kavana Social Kitchen Gift Card and FREE Salt Spa Room Session ($40 value) at the Holistic Halo Salt Spa.
Straight Out of a Hallmark Christmas Movie Winner: $25 Jazzy June Bug Gift Card, Jazzy June Bug Momma Bear Prize Package ($50 value), and (5) FREE Extra Value Meals at McDonald’s Restaurant
Facebook Contest Winner: $25 VISA Gift Card, $20 Loder’s Shake Shoppe Gift Certificate, and (5) FREE Extra Value Meals at McDonald’s Restaurant.

To register email Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw at ward3@northroyalton.org or by Clicking Here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
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Ward 3 Quick Update November 5, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

Good morning! Just a few quick items to update you on. Please make sure you exercise your right to VOTE Today!

November 5th General Election is TODAY
The November 5th General Election is TODAY. There is a lot at stake with the future of the City of North Royalton, so please make sure you vote. We will have a new Mayor, Council President, and majority of Council. I of course with your support plan to continue to serve you on Council for Ward 3 too. Read More. Polls are open from 6:30am to 7:30pm. To view a sample ballot and check your polling location, visit “My Voting Info” on the Board of Elections website. If you have any questions contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at 216-443-8683. Again please make sure you VOTE!

North Royalton Ward 3 Polling Locations (Note New Locations Listed)

North Royalton Ward 3 residents who are voting at the polls today are at one of two locations depending on where you live in the Ward. See above Map for more information.

Albion Elementary School (Precinct 3B Only)
9360 Albion Rd.

Valley Vista Elementary School (Precincts 3A, 3C, & 3D)
4049 Wallings Rd.

YMCA Veteran’s Day Celebration
The North Royalton Family YMCA will honoring our community’s veterans this Veteran’s Day November 11th with a special celebration. You don’t have to be a YMCA Member to attend. Please share with any friends, family, or neighbors you know that are veterans and like to attend. Our United States Congressman Anthony Gonzalez will also give some brief remarks as well other special guest during a Special Flag Dedication Ceremony. Also during the breakfast there will be various groups available to assist veterans in learn more about various Veteran’s benefits too. Please RSVP to me by calling 440-785-4240 or emailing me at ward3@northroyalton.org by Nov. 9th.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 Quick Update October 29, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

Just a few quick items to update you on with some extra opportunities for the kids to get some treats this Halloween Week, Trick or Treat information, and more helpful information.

Ward 3 Business Midwest Cheer & Dance Elite Cleveland is having a Trunk or Treat this Wednesday October 30th see below flier for more information.

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Ward 3 Quick Update August 31, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

What a wonderful day for this year’s Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park that is Today from 1-3pm! Just a few quick items to update you on this Labor Day Weekend.

4th Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park is TODAY

Back by popular demand. I will host my 4th Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park is TODAY August 31st from 1-3pm at Memorial Park Pavilion #2 located at 14600 State Rd in North Royalton. In the case of rain the event will be held inside the community room at city hall. No RSVP is needed. I invite all North Royalton Ward 3 residents and their families to come out to enjoy a fun afternoon in the park. Filled with FREE food, games, and a chance to meet fellow neighbors too. Kona Ice will be serving up their famous sweet treats. J.R. Grieco Cleveland’s first choice for Magic will be doing balloon art entertainment. Special appearances by the North Royalton Fire & Police Departments for the kids. (NEW ADDITION) Journey Church will have Bounce House for the kids this year too! Each year I select a local charity or cause for my event to support. This year those who attend are encouraged to make a donation at the event to help support 22 year old Ward 3 resident Joe Keider, who was tragically injured after being hit by an alleged drunk driver in April while riding his motorcycle. In addition I am working with the Keider Family to help raise awareness about motorcycle and motor vehicle safety in hopes to save lives in the community. At the event Polaris Career Center will have helpful information to promote motorcycle & motor vehicle safety. For more information please contact me by email at ward3@northroyalton.org or by phone at 440-785-4240. Click Here to watch the Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Preview Video to learn more about all the fun.

Joe Keider Update
As you know Today’s Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Charity it is supporting this year is Ward 3 resident Joe Keider’s Medical Recovery Fund. Many of you might not be aware that Joe was hoping to be there today given the progress he was making being home. However, on Thursday of this week he suddenly had stroke was flown this from UH Parma by helicopter back to Metro Health Hospital. Joe while at Metro suffered another stroke and blood clots including in his brain. They lifeflighted him but to the Cleveland Clinic. He needed to have a blood clot filter installed. And put on a blood thinner to break up any remaining clots. Yesterday morning he had surgery  at 2:30am. The filter is now in place. This filter is preventative. It is in place to stop clots traveling from his legs to his lungs. Then after that the doctors needed to decide when they can start using blood thinner medications to break up the clots in his lung. They want to wait as long as possible due to his stroke condition. If they start too soon there is a great risk he can start to bleed in his brain. But if they wait too long there is a great risk another clot can travel to his brain and cause another stroke. Later in day yesterday they decided right now the course of action is to wait for the brain to heal before treating the blood clots in his lung. This could take up to 10 days. But its complicated. If the clots in his lung travel to his brain he can have another stroke. It the clots in his lung put stress on his heart he can have massive damage to his heart. His teams are closely monitoring his heart for any stress, as well as his vitals. In his current state if nothing else happens to Joe, the best possible scenario would be that his brain heals, they treat the clots in his lungs, and he is able to be discharged from ICU. He would then be back at Metro rehab on the stroke floor to regain his speech and mobility that has been compromised due to the stoke. He is in a real life threatening situation that is complicated due to both the stroke he had yesterday and the current blood clots in his lung. Many of you have asked about update you can follow a Facebook blog the family has to check in how he is doing by Clicking Here. Besides any support you can provide in donations today the picnic will help. If you can’t make it today you can donate online by Clicking Here for his GoFundMe. If your a person of faith like me please pray for this young man that he pulls through. Special thank you to Father Estok, St. Albert the Great Church, Journey Church, and all those other members of our faith based community praying for Joe! The family wants me to pass along they appreciate and their son truly needs all the prayers he can get. Many of you have asked me yesterday what specific needs beyond prayer does Joe Keider and his family need. They still in need of many things when he returns home, as his family has taken on the responsibility of Joe’s Rehabilitation the party that injured Joe is not taking the responsibility they should for what they have done. A vehicle is top on the list, wheel chair accessible as he will have many ongoing follow up visits, estimated $60,000.00 a shower chair on wheels, $3500.00 a tilt table ,used to allow joe to stand and be weight bearing yet supportive, $2500.00, ultrasound machine $7500.00 for ongoing blood clot detection. Many miscellaneous medical supplies. If you or a business you work for or own have additional resources please contact me directly at ward3@northroyalton.org or call me at 440-785-4240 and I can get you in touch with the family. I am really trying to help this family and also exploring ways to prevent other families from being put through this. Thank you everyone for all the prayers and once again reminding me what a great place Ward 3 and North Royalton is! #JoJoStrong

Holiday Schedule for Rumpke Waste and Recycling Reminder
In recognition of the Labor Day holiday, Rumpke Waste and Recycling service will be delayed one day the week of September 2nd. This means that if your regular pick up day is Monday, your rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, Tuesday collection will move to Wednesday, Wednesday collection will move to Thursday, Thursday collection will move to Friday and Friday collection will move to Saturday. Rumpke will resume their regular pick up schedule the week of September 8th. If you have any questions, please call Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 or Click Here for their full 2019 holiday schedule.

See you at my Picnic this Afternoon & Have a Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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Ward 3 Quick Update July 18, 2019

Ward 3 Resident,

I have a few quick updates to share with you below. Be safe this weekend with the extreme heat coming our way. Please keep pets inside and check on any elderly neighbors you have to make sure they are doing ok.

Fishing Derby Re-Scheduled
Due to the extreme heat predicated for tomorrow July 19th, the Annual George Modock Jr Memorial Fishing Derby has been postponed and will now take place on Friday July 26th at 10:00am.

City Cooling Location 
Due to the anticipated extreme heat watch this weekend. The North Royalton Family YMCA located at 11409 State Road will be opening it’s facility as a cooling location for relief from the heat. The YMCA will be open Friday until 10:00pm, Saturday until 5:00pm, and Sunday until 4:00pm. Please bring your drivers license or state identification for security purposes.

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