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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: November 3rd Presidential Election (Volume 3)

Greetings Residents,Thomas Jefferson once said “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Our third President of the United States and Founding Father Thomas Jefferson is absolutely right. So please if you have not already voted, head to the polls today and exercise your right as an American to vote.

The Polls are Open today from 6:30am to 7:30pm tonight. Below I will post additional information to help you as you prepare to vote. So much focus has been on the Presidential race. However, locally here in North Royalton we have four charter amendments that you need to do your homework on. Especially Issues #24 and Issue #26 before you cast your vote.So please vote all the way down your ballots. Click Here to view a Sample Ballot before heading to the polls.

As always if I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Thank you in advance for exercising your right to Vote!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

COVID-19 Safety Measures for Election Day

Your county board of elections has been preparing for Election Day and Ohio is ready for November 3rd. In partnership with the Ohio Department of Health and the CDC, Secretary of State Frank LaRose developed a 61-point health guidance checklist for polling locations to ensure that both voters and poll workers are safe.Thanks in part to donations from Ohio companies, hand sanitizer and face masks will be awaiting voters as they socially distance through quickly moving lines to make their voice heard efficiently and safely on Tuesday.

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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: October 2020 (Volume 2)

Greetings Residents,Thank you to all those who have contacted me in expressing how happy you are that I will be re-running to earn back my Ward 3 City Council seat with your vote and support in the November 2021 General Election. Again I am confident that with an entirely new City Council and majority that we can make North Royalton a better city for all our families. Most importantly stand up to the dirty politics by the current City Council and administration will not be tolerated anymore.

Speaking of elections, early voting has begun for the November 3rd General Election. So much focus has been on the Presidential race. However, locally here in North Royalton we have four charter amendments that you need to do your homework on. Especially Issues #24 and Issue #26 before you cast your vote. Also listed below are number of other important things to make you aware of going on in our local government.

As always if I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

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Vote NO on North Royalton Charter Amendment Issue #26

North Royalton Residents please make sure you vote all the way down your ballots. Because there are four Charter Amendments on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot. Issue #26 is another Charter Amendment you should consider voting NO on. Here are some reasons why below. 

What is Issue # 26 Ballot Language?

Proposed Charter Amendment
City of North Royalton

A majority affirmative vote is required for passage.
Shall Article XVI, Section (h) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to authorize Council in the instance of an emergency that significantly affects the duties and obligations of the municipality, to waive the requirement of public bidding and where public bidding is employed, to allow Council to choose the lowest and/or best bidder where appropriate?




*County Board of Elections Ballot Issues List pgs 9-10 https://boe.cuyahogacounty.gov/pdf_boe/en-US/2020/Nov2020/Nov2020IssuesList.pdf 

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Vote NO on North Royalton Charter Amendment Issue #24

North Royalton Residents please make sure you vote all the way down your ballots. Because there are four Charter Amendments on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot. Most importantly Issue #24 is another attempt by the North Royalton Mayor after his failed unilateral closure of our city jail to undermine public safety of the community by rewarding political cronies jobs, a power grab to silence any future chiefs from not doing his will or bidding, and creates an opportunity to possibly defund our police department by making both police and fire divisions under a new “Public Safety Department” if the Charter Amendment is approved.

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North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: September 2020 (Volume 1)

Greetings Residents,

As a former North Royalton School Board Member, Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board Member, North Royalton City Councilman and United States Army Veteran, I truly love serving my country and community through public service.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit our community, our city was already in trouble with the dysfunctional city government leading it.  Serving in the minority of City Council, I began to blow the whistle on these serious issues. I even successfully led a historic community effort against the mayor’s unilateral closure of our city jail and saved it. But the majority did not like that at all. They resorted to grimy politics, deleting public records, trying to get me kicked out of my church, violating my constitutional rights, led a mutiny against me to force me out as a duly elected official and the list goes on.

No doubt politics is a very dirty business, but when they targeted my 13 year old step son’s race and other family members for sport it became very personal. I have taken the time these last few months from it all so my family and I could heal and grow from this horrific experience. I have more desire than ever before to make sure the community has a voice. So many residents like you have contacted me, helped with the healing process, expressed your personal experiences of how you have been hurt by officials in our city government, and urged me to retake my seat on council.

I am ecstatic to announce that I will be re-running to earn back my Ward 3 City Council seat with your vote and support in the November 2021 General Election. I am confident that with an entirely new City Council and majority that we can make North Royalton a better city for all our families.

This is the first volume of my new and improved E-Newsletter to help keep you up to date on what is going on with our City Government, Community, and ways we can work together to advocate for the changes we need to help clean up City Hall.

Please feel free to contact me if I can be any service to you or your family.  I look forward to earning your support so that I can successfully return back to City Council and work even harder for all of you.


Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

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North Royalton Charter Amendments on November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot

North Royalton Residents please make sure you vote all the way down your ballots. Because there are four Charter Amendments Issue #23, Issue #24, Issue #25, and Issue #26 on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot that could have direct impact on your daily lives, your families safety, how your taxpayer dollars are spent, and the future of North Royalton.

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: July 2020

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

I wish I was contacting you on more of happier note or just sending you my normal Monthly Ward 3 E-Newsletter for July. Unfortunately this will most likely be the last newsletter you may get from me for sometime possibly. Below I wanted to share why.

Have a Happy 4th of July & Thank you!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

End Racism Everywhere including here in North Royalton, Ohio

Everyone that knows me well. I am a very passionate person and dedicated to serving my community the last 7 years as their Ward 3 City Councilman. The series of events that transpired over the jail closure crisis, were completely out my character. Also above all my family comes first. Since City Council has already decided my fate before I had a chance for any kind of due process or even just a chance to tell the other key fact of my story that has been missing which is the why I lost my cool. Also why Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz was embarrassed to show his face at the June 30, 2020 Special City Council Meeting.

I believe it was because he knew in advance that just maybe that he did not want me or my lawyer to ask him this question… Who was it that he knows that attacked my family over the heated jail crisis? The below extremely racist flier was left in my newspaper box by a support of Mayor Antoskiewicz attacking innocent 13 year old step-son Henry on the basis of his race. In a sick racist attempt to provoke me and my family. All because I was the most vocal opposition to Mayor Antoskiewicz’s shady Parma Jail deal and his unilateral closure of our city jail. Like any loving father. I lost it. In my over 34 years of life I have never been this outraged and it rocked my family and me to our core.

Although what I did following it was not right and I have taken responsibility and apologized for the private phone call to a now former friend venting for this all to end. Does not excuse either how the Mayor and his friends exploited this situation and my family for his own personal political gain. Nor the hell my family and oldest child have been put through as a result.

To the racist Mayor Antoskiewicz’s supporter and to the Mayor. You both owe my son Henry, my wife Marissa, and me an apology. Also like me Mayor. You need to take responsibility for what you did too! Also the racist Mayor Antoskiewicz supporter as well! Yes my son Henry is Mexican American. He is also a proud African American and Irish young man too! He is a US Citizen! Most importantly was born in Texas, USA! My amazing and beautiful wife Marissa is African American and other half Irish.

Also a legal US Citizen born in Pennsylvania! What transpired in our community is part of a much larger problem in country and community worse than COVID-19, which is historic hate and racism. No matter what happens to me. My wife Marissa and I are actively committed to End Racism everywhere! So there you go! If folks still want to continue saying hateful things here on social media, emails, and phone calls about me and my family go ahead. But at least now you know the rest of the why. I truly hope that you reconsider and use your energy in working towards a solution to this much bigger problem that it took my family and I to experience personal to understand why we all need to act now to address this without further delay!

Full Text of My Letter of Resignation from North Royalton City Council:

Hand Delivered & E-mailed

Subject: Letter of Resignation

July 4, 2020

Dear President of Council & Members,

Alexander Hamilton said “Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many.” The leftover Jimmy Dimora Era Democrats, Robert Stefanik, Larry Antoskiewicz, and Paul Marnecheck, and friends must maintain their kingdom at all costs. “They” control everything and we the people do not. They can keep selling this city away to the highest bidder. My friend, mentor, and predecessor the late Ward 3 Councilman Don Willey warned me as such. Don, today is the day their reign and tyranny of holding back North Royalton’s true future, must come to an end! Thank you for preparing me!

Residents, you are absolutely right there is something evil going on in our city government. When you cross them, out their evils, or worse publicly blow the whistle. You will end up on the list, just like me for blowing the whistle!

When, I walked into the Council Chambers on June 30, 2020 after a leaked audio and documents to Cleveland.com, the conduct of the President of Council denying the residents for or against me to even be heard, and none of you members of Council even pretending to discuss any alternative ways to resolve this matter fairly. I knew then, you would never give me any type of due process, my sincere apology did not matter, the public humiliation you put me through, and sadly you had already sealed my fate over the weekend. Adding insult to injury you even had the person you most likely handpicked to replace me in the Council Chambers that night too. Now that you have finished me off for good for raising alarms about issues I discovered going back to end of 2019. This is textbook political payback at its worse playing out in public. You did warn me to “Stay in My Lane”. But this is a democracy, not a dictatorship. So let’s not fool this community any longer the mission all along was to silence me. Period.

So you Mr. President Marnecheck and former Mayor Stefanik enjoyed destroying me at all costs and all the positive accomplishments I have done in my entire life thus far for the good of our community. You WON! Mayor Atoskiewicz especially WON the most in all of this regretful series of events! When one of Mayor Antoskiewicz’s supporters put an extremely racist flier in my newspaper box attacking my innocent 13 year old son. On the basis of his race because I was the most vocal opposition to the shady Parma jail deal and the Mayor’s unilateral closure of our city jail. You outraged me Mr. Mayor the most I have ever been in my 34 years of life. I fell hook line and sinker for your political trap and messed up. You broke me! Our city leadership currently is evil. Which is why we can’t even have places like a Starbucks in town!

A select few having so much power is more important than doing anything for we the people of North Royalton. Serving currently at this time in this government has become so toxic, dysfunctional, rubber stamp, a social drinking club, embarrassment, and even worse made me almost become like the evil that holds this city back and truly acts like behind the scenes. No more! That is not who I am nor ever want to be!

In the end I declare my independence from all of this evil! I choose having my soul and my loving family over all of this! If “they” will destroy my over 7 years of dedicated service to the community for sport! All of you on Council are next! Don’t be fooled! I’m not your enemy. The real enemy is those who pull your strings. However, your submissiveness as leaders makes you all just as guilty or worse.

I urge all citizens of North Royalton, Ohio to finally Wake Up, Speak Up, and work together peacefully to Clean Up the mess that is our city government! Until the residents finally do that. I hereby resign effective immediately this July 4, 2020 at 10:04am as the North Royalton Ward 3 City Councilman.

I will no longer be another excuse for your evilness and allow you to destroy my family. Especially my children! As I leave office, Ward 3 residents I am sorry to those I have let down and hope you will forgive me. Rest assured I will be back when I am stronger and spiritually ready to combat the evil that we all know is holding us up! I am excited for my new freedom in the coming months to help more residents in our entire community without any limits of a ward boundary, more time with my loving family, and working with my friend who is a pastor at a local church to be a better Christian man and the leader this entire community needs even more than ever!

/s/ Dan Langshaw
Dan Langshaw                                                
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Thank YOU to the over 5,500 North Royalton Ward 3 Residents for the honor of electing me the last 7 years to be able to serve you all as your voice on City Council! This is not good bye forever. Its more of a cya later! I plan to remain active in the community in other ways. When my family and I have time to heal. I hope to share more about what that means for you all and our community too!

Ward 3 Residents Needing Assistance
All those who reported an issue to me. I made sure was sent in. As of today if an issue comes up in the ward please call the North Royalton City Council Office at 440-237-4260 till they fill the Ward 3 Council vacancy.

End Racism Everywhere including here in North Royalton, Ohio

Everyone that knows me well. I am a very passionate person and dedicated to serving my community of North Royalton the last 7 years as their Ward 3 City Councilman. The series of events that transpired over the jail closure crisis, were completely out my character. Also above all folks that know me well too know that my family comes first. Since my fellow City Council Members have already decided my fate before I had a chance for any kind of due process or even just a chance to tell the other key facts of my story that has been missing. Which is the why I lost my cool. Also why Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz was embarrassed to show his face at the June 30, 2020 Special City Council Meeting. I believe the answer to that was because I think he knew in advance that just maybe that he did not want me or my lawyer to ask him this question……… Who was it that he knows that attacked my family over the heated jail crisis? The below extremely racist flier was left in my newspaper box by a support of Mayor Antoskiewicz attacking my innocent 13 year old step-son Henry on the basis of his race. In a sick racist attempt to provoke me and my family. All because I was the most vocal opposition to Mayor Antoskiewicz’s shady Parma Jail deal and his unilateral closure of our city jail. Like any loving father. I lost it. In my over 34 years of life I have never been this outraged and it rocked my family and me to our core. Although what I did following it was not right and I have taken responsibility and apologized for the private phone call to a now former friend venting for this all to end. Does not excuse either how the Mayor and his friends exploited this situation and my family for his own personal political gain. Nor the hell my family and oldest child have been put through as a result. To the racist Mayor Antoskiewicz’s supporter and to the Mayor. You both owe my son Henry, my wife Marissa, and me an apology. Also like me Mayor. You need to take responsibility for what you did too! Also the racist Mayor Antoskiewicz supporter as well! Yes my son Henry is Mexican American. He is also a proud African American and Irish American young man too! He is a US Citizen! Most importantly was born in Texas, USA! My amazing and beautiful wife Marissa is African American and other half Irish. Also a legal US Citizen born in Pennsylvania! What transpired in our community is part of a much larger problem in our country and community worse than COVID-19, which is historic racism. No matter what happens to me. My wife Marissa and I are actively committed to End Racism everywhere! So there you go! If folks still want to continue saying hateful things here on social media, emails, and phone calls about me and my family go ahead. But at least now you know the rest of the why. I truly hope that you reconsider and use your energy in working towards a solution to this much bigger problem that it took my family and I to experience first-hand to understand why we all need to act now to address this without further delay!

-North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw

Copy of racist Mayor Antoskiewicz flier left in Councilman Langshaw’s home newspaper box.

Letter of Resignation Full Text

July 4, 2020

Dear President of Council & Members,

Alexander Hamilton said “Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many.” The leftover Jimmy Dimora Era Democrats, Robert Stefanik, Larry Antoskiewicz, and Paul Marnecheck, and friends must maintain their kingdom at all costs. “They” control everything and we the people do not. They can keep selling this city away to the highest bidder. My friend, mentor, and predecessor the late Ward 3 Councilman Don Willey warned me as such. Don, today is the day their reign and tyranny of holding back North Royalton’s true future, must come to an end! Thank you for preparing me!

Residents, you are absolutely right there is something evil going on in our city government. When you cross them, out their evils, or worse publicly blow the whistle. You will end up on the list, just like me for blowing the whistle!

When, I walked into the Council Chambers on June 30, 2020 after a leaked audio and documents to Cleveland.com, the conduct of the President of Council denying the residents for or against me to even be heard, and none of you members of Council even pretending to discuss any alternative ways to resolve this matter fairly. I knew then, you would never give me any type of due process, my sincere apology did not matter, the public humiliation you put me through, and sadly you had already sealed my fate over the weekend. Adding insult to injury you even had the person you most likely handpicked to replace me in the Council Chambers that night too. Now that you have finished me off for good for raising alarms about issues I discovered going back to end of 2019. This is textbook political payback at its worse playing out in public. You did warn me to “Stay in My Lane”. But this is a democracy, not a dictatorship. So let’s not fool this community any longer the mission all along was to silence me. Period.

So you Mr. President Marnecheck and former Mayor Stefanik enjoyed destroying me at all costs and all the positive accomplishments I have done in my entire life thus far for the good of our community. You WON! Mayor Atoskiewicz especially WON the most in all of this regretful series of events! When one of Mayor Antoskiewicz’s supporters put an extremely racist flier in my newspaper box attacking my innocent 13 year old son. On the basis of his race because I was the most vocal opposition to the shady Parma jail deal and the Mayor’s unilateral closure of our city jail. You outraged me Mr. Mayor the most I have ever been in my 34 years of life. I fell hook line and sinker for your political trap and messed up. You broke me! Our city leadership currently is evil. Which is why we can’t even have places like a Starbucks in town!

A select few having so much power is more important than doing anything for we the people of North Royalton. Serving currently at this time in this government has become so toxic, dysfunctional, rubber stamp, a social drinking club, embarrassment, and even worse made me almost become like the evil that holds this city back and truly acts like behind the scenes. No more! That is not who I am nor ever want to be!

In the end I declare my independence from all of this evil! I choose having my soul and my loving family over all of this! If “they” will destroy my over 7 years of dedicated service to the community for sport! All of you on Council are next! Don’t be fooled! I’m not your enemy. The real enemy is those who pull your strings. However, your submissiveness as leaders makes you all just as guilty or worse.

I urge all citizens of North Royalton, Ohio to finally Wake Up, Speak Up, and work together peacefully to Clean Up the mess that is our city government! Until the residents finally do that. I hereby resign effective immediately this July 4, 2020 at 10:04am as the North Royalton Ward 3 City Councilman.

I will no longer be another excuse for your evilness and allow you to destroy my family. Especially my children! As I leave office, Ward 3 residents I am sorry to those I have let down and hope you will forgive me. Rest assured I will be back when I am stronger and spiritually ready to combat the evil that we all know is holding us up! I am excited for my new freedom in the coming months to help more residents in our entire community without any limits of a ward boundary, more time with my loving family, and working with my friend who is a pastor at a local church to be a better Christian man and the leader this entire community needs even more than ever!

/s/Dan Langshaw
Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Councilman Dan Langshaw’s Statement at the June 30, 2020 Special City Council Meeting

Good evening everyone. As you all know, there has been a great deal of publicity surrounding a private phone call I made to Jamie Anton and rightly so. Tonight I would like to address that phone call. The phone call I made was inappropriate, rude, and particularly with regard to the language I used during the call, it was offensive. I deeply regret having made the phone call and wish I could undo it. I also regret I have lost a friend because it too. But, of course, I can’t undo it, all I can do is acknowledge what I have done is wrong, ask for your forgiveness, and vow to learn and get better from it. And that is what I am doing tonight. As a Catholic, my faith teaches the importance of forgiveness. To all of those embarrassed and offended by my private phone call, including this Council, the Mayor, my friends and family, but most of all to Ms. Anton, I want to apologize and say how deeply sorry I am for what I said. Many of you know me and this phone call was out of character for me. I am very passionate about North Royalton and helping people. I vow to do better in the future and I hope you can all find it within yourselves to forgive me. Again, I’m sorry. Especially, as we all still must battle a very serious pandemic on top of this. Thank you!