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Press Release

Press Release From

Contact: Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Councilman Langshaw Launches New Resident Welcome Initiative

January 9, 2014

(North Royalton, Ohio)— North Royalton Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw announced on January 9, 2014 the official launch of his New Resident Welcome Initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to connect Ward 3 residents new to the city of North Royalton with the services available within the community and to increase engagement with residents.

When asked how he came up with the concept, Langshaw said “The initiative is a product of two things. First, my predecessor the late Councilman Don Willey was known for driving to new resident’s homes and introducing them to the city. Second, was listening to feedback from the City’s Master Plan Committee this past year. Members brought up the need to make our community a little more welcoming to both new residents and businesses alike. So, combing both concepts; I created an initiative that continues a little tradition and address the need to make it more welcoming to live here in Ward 3 the heart of the city of North Royalton.”

Councilman Langshaw has reached out to some local realtors and homeowner’s associations to assist in identifying new residents. Through this initiative new Ward 3 residents will be receiving a visit from their councilman and an informational packet about basic services available within the community.

Any new Ward 3 resident interested in getting a welcome packet can request one by contacting directly Councilman Dan Langshaw by phone at 440-785-4240 or email him at ward3@northroyalton.org.


Langshaw Officially Sworn into Office for 2 year Elected Term


On November 24, 2013 I was officially sworn into office for a 2 year elected term on the North Royalton City Council for Ward 3. Per the city of North Royalton Charter, all new members of Council must be sworn into office 5 days after the Board of Elections certifies the November General Election Results.





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Thank you

Dear Ward 3 Residents,

It has been an honor and a humbling experience to have served as an appointed member of the North Royalton City Council these past eight months. I want to thank the residents of Ward 3 for recently electing me to serve a two year term of my own and continue to be their voice on City Council. Woodrow Wilson said it best: “To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” As a councilman I believe that to be true. If you need any assistance or would like to receive my monthly Ward 3 e-newsletter email me at ward3@northroyalton.org. I look forward to continuing to serve Ward 3.

Thank you,

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw to host Ward 3 Summer Ice Cream Social Event

Press Release From

Contact: Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw to host Ward 3 Summer Ice Cream Social Event

June 27, 2013

(North Royalton, Ohio)—Ward 3 North Royalton City Councilman Dan Langshaw will host a Ward 3 Summer Ice Cream Social on July 28th from 2-4pm at the St. Matthew Orthodox Church Pavilion located at 10383 Albion Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.

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Big Announcement











Press Release From

Contact: Dan Langshaw
Board Member
North Royalton School Board

School Board Member Dan Langshaw announces another Historic Run but this time for City Council


February 1, 2013

(North Royalton, Ohio)— As his four year term as a North Royalton School Board Member draws to a close, Dan Langshaw has decided to run for North Royalton City Council for Ward 3.

Due to an open seat created by Don Willey being term-limited, Langshaw wants to continue his commitment to public service by being part of the positive momentum taking place in North Royalton.

Dan looks forward to bringing his energy, experience and dedication to his hometown and its residents.

For more information or for an interview please contact Dan Langshaw at 440-785-4240 or dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org.


School Board Member Dan Langshaw starts 2013 with a record setting 37th Consecutive Monthly Constituent Coffee

Langshaw Coffee Picture








Press Release From

Contact: Dan Langshaw
Board Member
North Royalton School Board

School Board Member Dan Langshaw starts 2013 with a record setting 37th Consecutive Monthly Constituent Coffee


January 5, 2013

(North Royalton, Ohio)—North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw held his normal Monthly Constituent Coffee on a nice cold Saturday morning on January 5th at Mugshotz Coffee & Smoothies in North Royalton. Dan holds these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Residents simply stop by grab a nice hot cup of coffee and talk to Dan. But this wasn’t any ordinary coffee, for Dan Langshaw this marked his record setting 37th Consecutive Monthly Constituent Coffee since taking office on the North Royalton School Board back in 2010.

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School Board Member Dan Langshaw Gives Statement on Some Key Policy Changes


December 10, 2012

(North Royalton, Ohio)—On Monday, December 10, 2012; during the December Regular School Board Meeting. North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw gave the following statement before casting his vote in support of various policy updates on the Board agenda.

“Before we vote I just like to highlight two exciting policies we are voting on out of the many we have tonight. The first is a policy on (BYOD) also known as Bring Your Own Device. For a long time we have told our students that they couldn’t use their own cell phones in class. Because of improvements in our buildings to go wireless, I am proud to announce we as a district are also getting up to speed with the changes in the use of technology in the classroom. With this new policy students can bring their smart phones, tablets, and ipads in class and participate in lessons that their teachers believe BYOD would benefit instruction. I just like to thank Superintendent Vittardi, Curriculum Director Bruce Bradley, and our Technology Department for making this happen.”

Langshaw went on to say “the second policy I like to highlight is a revision in our Board Bylaws where now we the North Royalton School Board will audio record all Special Meetings, Regular Meetings with the exception of Board Development Meetings and Executive Sessions. Our residents can find all these recordings on the board page of the district website and listen to them and learn more about what we do as a board. This is all possible because of the successful pilot program we did as a board earlier this year of trying out audio recording our special board meetings in addition to regular board meetings like this one. I just like to thank Board President Dr. Kelly and the rest of the Board for their openness to this idea. I think this is a very positive thing for our board and district! To close Savannah, one of the bright students we recognized tonight said it best that we in North Royalton lead by example. Yes we do.”


Operation North Royalton Cares

Press Release


Dan Langshaw
Board Member
North Royalton School Board

Judy Willey
Director Office on Aging & Human Services
City of North Royalton

Operation North Royalton Cares Gears Up to Help Ease the Financial Strain of Going Back to School for a Third Year


July 9, 2012

(North Royalton, Ohio)—Third Annual Operation North Royalton Cares is scheduled take place the weeks of July 30th through August 10th. The mission of Operation North Royalton Cares is to collect school supplies for families of students in need, living in North Royalton. Throughout the week there will be various drop off locations throughout the city for community members to donate items. The program is supported by the North Royalton City School District in coordination with the City of North Royalton Office on Aging and Human Services.

Operation North Royalton Cares was started back in 2010 by North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw, who founded the program after seeing first-hand members of the community struggling in these tough economic times. “Last years Operation NR Cares was even more success, we were able to help over 35 families and 79 students in need by getting them the necessary school supplies to start the school year. With the economy recovering very slowly, the need to help these families and students in our community who are struggling to get the necessary supplies they need for going back to school is very much needed. The community’s generosity and support of this program makes me so proud to live here in North Royalton!”, said Langshaw.

Operation North Royalton Cares will kick off with a free event open to the public on July 30th from 5pm-7pm at the Monday, July 30, 2012 from 5:00pm-7:00pm at The 3 Spot 13855 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133. Come enjoy a sampling of light appetizers. Alcoholic drinks not included. All those who attend are asked to donate at least 1 school supply for Operation NR CARES.

Backpacks and gift cards to school supply stores are in large demand this year. In addition if those who like to make a donation, there is a wish list of items.

Donation Item Wish List:

USB Flash Drives
Kleenex Boxes
Index cards
Ruled Paper
3 Ring Binders
Red Pens
Sharpie Markers
Glue/Glue Sticks
Colored Pencils
$10 Gift Cards or more to school supply stores such as: (Office Max, Staples, Walmart, Target, Giant Eagle, CVS, Drug Mart, Rite Aide, and etc.).

Monetary donations will be accepted. Checks can be made out to the Charitable Fund of North Royalton Kiwanis, in the memo portion of the check please put down School Supplies. If anyone is making a gift card or monetary donation, please drop them off only at the Board of Education Office or the Office on Aging & Human Services.

Items can be donated throughout the week at any of the following drop off sites:

Office on Aging & Human Services
13500 Ridge Rd.

Board of Education Office
6579 Royalton Rd.

St. Albert the Great Church Rectory
6667 Wallings Rd.

The 3 Spot
13855 Ridge Rd.

For more information please contact organizers Dan Langshaw at 440-596-0078 or Judy Willey at 440-582-6333


Statement by North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw on Board Resolution to Proceed with a School Improvement Bond Issue

Statement by North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw on Board Resolution to Proceed with a School Improvement Bond Issue

May 14, 2012 Regular School Board Meeting

This Resolution to Proceed is the last resolution required to put a 35 year $54,300,000 School Improvement Bond Issue on the November 6, 2012 General Election Ballot. Just like I said at the Special Board Meeting last Thursday, this vote again is not a cause for celebration. As a School Board Member, 2004 North Royalton High School graduate, an older brother of three siblings who have been educated in our school district, and someday in the future have kids who will be in this district; I know first-hand there is a necessity to fix our aging buildings to maintain education in the North Royalton City School District.

The proposal before this Board now is half the cost of prior proposals and provides a solution for decades. It disturbs me though that school districts like ours are forced to confront our facilities issues with no assistance from the state. Governor John Kasich and the Ohio General Assembly have done nothing to channel Ohio School Facilities funds to districts such as ours. We all must continue to loudly voice our concerns to the Governor and our lawmakers in Columbus!

Our economy is still trying to recover, I hear from many constituents that they are just trying to get through these tough times. The timing for a bond issue may not be the best for folks, but we have reached the point where doing nothing is no longer an option. Our students and community deserve a plan on how to fix our school buildings up in a financially responsible manner for our long term future. As a leader it is unacceptable to play politics and kick this problem down the road for another Board to worry about for another decade. A major issue like this Bond Issue should not be decided by a 5 person Board but all the residents of this community.

My vote of support is one of support to put this issue on the ballot for a vote of the people to decide what is best. No one wants to see a tax increase at any time. But the district cannot make the necessary improvements without any money. If this Bond Issue passes, I want to be on the record to say again I plan to thoroughly examine and discuss any expenditure request to use these funds.

As a United States Army Veteran I believe in our American Democracy and the right to vote as citizens. The people need to decide: Is this an investment they can afford? We need to respect whatever they tell us at the polls with their vote in November. I think it is very positive that this Board has a long-term plan and priority list on what needs to be done to bring our buildings up to par. We as Board Members are fulfilling our responsibility to give the people a chance to decide this issue. Let’s not forget we work for them.

In closing, I encourage all residents to get engaged in this process. Come to a SCENE Meeting, School Board Meeting, and most importantly JUST VOTE! Thomas Jefferson said it best “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Your vote does matters and it’s up to the people to decide the future of the North Royalton City School District.

Statement by North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw on Proposed School Improvement Bond Issue at May 10, 2012 Special Board Meeting

Tonight’s vote on a Resolution of Necessity is the first of two resolutions to put a 35 year $54,300,000 School Improvement Bond Issue on the November 6, 2012 General Election Ballot. This vote is not a cause for celebration. As a School Board Member, 2004 North Royalton High School graduate, an older brother of three siblings who have been educated in our school district, and someday in the future have kids who will be in this district; I know there is a necessity to fix our aging buildings to maintain education in the North Royalton City School District.

Beginning in 2003 the district has conducted assessments and reviewed alternatives to address our facilities’ needs. None of the proposed solutions was considered feasible given cost and timing issues. The proposal we are considering now is half the cost of prior proposals and provides a solution for decades. It disturbs me though that school districts like ours are forced to confront our facilities issues with no assistance from the state. Governor Kasich and the Ohio General Assembly have done nothing to channel Ohio School Facilities funds to districts such as ours. We all must continue to voice our concerns to the Governor and our lawmakers in Columbus!

Our economy is still trying to recover, I hear from many constituents that they are just trying to get through these tough times. The timing for a bond issue may not be the best for folks, but we have reached the point where doing nothing is no longer an option. Our students and community deserve a plan on how to fix our school buildings up in a financially responsible manner for our long term future. As a leader it is unacceptable to play politics and kick this problem down the road for another Board to worry about for another decade. A major issue like this Bond Issue should not be decided by a 5 person Board but all the residents of this community.

I will support this first resolution and the second resolution to put this issue on the November Ballot for a vote of the people. No one wants to see a tax increase at any time. But the district cannot make the necessary improvements without any money. If this Bond Issue passes, I want to be on the record to say I plan to thoroughly examine and discuss any expenditure request to use these funds. Fiscal discipline is critical!

As a United States Army Veteran I believe in our American Democracy and the right to vote as citizens. The people need to decide: Is this an investment they can afford? We need to respect whatever they tell us at the polls with their vote in November. I think it is very positive that this Board has a long-term plan and priority list on what needs to be done to bring our buildings up to par. We as Board Members are fulfilling our responsibility to give the people a chance to decide this issue. Let’s not forget we work for them.

In closing I encourage all residents to get engaged in this process. Come to a SCENE Meeting, School Board Meeting, and most importantly JUST VOTE! If you are not registered to vote you can get more information on how to by going on the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Website at http://boe.cuyahogacounty.us or call 216-443-3200. Your vote matters and it’s up to the people to decide the future of the North Royalton City School District.