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Board Update

Good Afternoon:

If you know of anyone who is not receiving my weekly updates and would like to start getting them. Please have them shoot me an e-mail with the subject heading “Add me” or they can register on my website at www.danlangshaw.com


On February 16th I had the honor of introducing myself to the members of the North Royalton Middle School PTA at their monthly meeting. It was nice hearing about all the great work they are doing for our students and staff. A few of the parents raised some very good questions to me and I hope through the district’s strategic planning process that those issues can be addressed. I have now officially visited every PTA in the District and have really learned a lot from attending these meetings.

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Board Update

Good Afternoon:

If you know of anyone who is not receiving my weekly updates and would like to start getting them. Please have them shoot me an e-mail with the subject heading “Add me” or they can register on my website at www.danlangshaw.com

If anyone has any questions regarding the upcoming renewal levy or anything regarding the school district please stop by my next monthly constituent coffee on Feb. 17th at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road from 6pm to 8pm.

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Renewal Levy

Last night the Board took action to place a renewal levy on the May 4, 2010 ballot. This renewal levy will not increase taxes. This levy is a combination of two issues, the first of which was passed in 1990 and was last renewed in 2005. The levy will continue to raise $6,695,000 annually. Please know this renewal levy will not increase taxes and passage is vital to allow our district to maintain current programs and services. This levy is a combination of two issues, the first of which was passed in 1990 and was last renewed in 2005. The levy will continue to raise $6,695,000 annually.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at dan.langshaw@northroyaltonsd.org

Board Update

Good Afternoon:

Do you have Twitter? If you do then follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Langshaw4board. I will tweet various information and send reminders about upcoming school board meetings, committees, and events. If don’t know what twitter is. Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What’s happening?

If you know of anyone who is not receiving my weekly updates and would like to start getting them. Please have them shoot me an e-mail with the subject heading “Request to be Added” or they can register on my website at www.danlangshaw.com

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North Royalton School Board Special Meeting

The Board will hold a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, Feb 4th at 6pm
@ Board Office Conf. Rm located at 6579 Royalton Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133. The purpose of the meeting is to adopt a resolution to submit to renew an existing tax levy, to review February Meeting agenda items, and such other matters that may come before the board.

Board Update

Good Afternoon:


Wellness Committee Meeting
On, Jan. 25th I attended my first Wellness Committee Meeting. We reviewed our current wellness programs and talked about several possible changes that are happening or being proposed in various buildings as well as the district. The committee is also in the process of developing the district’s wellness mission statement and posting the district’s wellness policy and building wellness goals on our district website. The district is currently looking to partner with the City of North Royalton for a combined wellness program that would be hosted at NRHS that would be for the entire community. The district recently received a $2,000.00 grant from the Ohio Department of Education to hold an evening parent health and wellness academy. Next Wellness Committee meeting will be held on March 10th at 2pm at the Board of Education Office Conference Rm.

North Royalton City Recreation Board Meeting
I am the alternate School Board Representative for the City Recreation Board. I attended on Jan. 26th the City Rec. Board meeting with School Board President Reinhard, who is the official School Board Representative, to introduce myself and to get up speed with things. The Rec. Board discussed various plans for the up coming spring sports season and the efforts by the city’s various recreation clubs to prepare for it.

State’s public schools climb to fifth best in the United States
Last week, Education Week in their widely respected annual “Quality Counts” Report ranked Ohio’s public education system as the 5th best in the nation. This is the third year in a row that the state has moved up in its national ranking. If you like to see the full report check it out at http://links.osba-ohio.org/96124


This week there are two committee meetings:

City Earth Energy Environment Committee Meeting
Monday, Feb. 1st
7pm @ N.R. City Hall located at 13834 Ridge Road; North Royalton, OH 44133

Curriculum Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 3rd
9:30am @ NRHS Community Rm located at 14713 Ridge Rd; North Royalton, OH 44133

The Board will hold a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, Feb 4th at 6pm
@ Board Office Conf. Rm located at 6579 Royalton Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133. The purpose of the meeting is to adopt a resolution to submit to renew an existing tax levy, to review February Meeting agenda items, and such other matters that may come before the board.

Strategic Planning Retreat
February 1st and 2nd the two day Strategic Planning Retreat will be held at the North Royalton Baptist Church. 23 participants, who are staff members, community members, and 2 high school students will work to develop a vision and goals for our district. The next step after this retreat and after we have formed the vision and the goals will be to assemble action teams to develop strategies to meet those goals.

Hearts for Haiti
North Royalton High School Student Council is hosting a Hearts for Haiti Spaghetti Dinner on February 11th from 6pm-8pm at the High School Cafeteria. Tickets can be bought before hand or at the door. Adults $8.00, Students $5.00, and a Family of 5 or more $25.00. Proceeds donated go to the American Red Cross Haiti Hurricane Relief Fund.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member

Board Update

Good Afternoon:

Thank you to those who came to my first Monthly Constituent Coffee last week. My weekly e-mail update list is growing!If this is the first time you are getting my e-mail updates; my previous updates can be found on my blog at
http://votelangshaw4board.blogspot.com or check out my website www.danlangshaw.com for regular updates on coming events and meetings as well. If you have a friend, neighbor, fellow PTA member who would also be interested in receiving my e-mail weekly updates please have them e-mail me at danlangshaw4schoolboard@yahoo.com and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.


Jan. 16-17th I attended the New Board Member Workshop held at the Embassy Suites in Independence; sponsored by the Ohio School Board Association. The workshop was extremely informative in covering the topics of boardmanship, communications, labor relations, policy, legal, legislative, lobbying, and finance. I truly learn a lot!

I had the honor of introducing myself last week to the members of the Albion PTA at their Jan 19th meeting and hearing about all the great work they are doing for our students and staff. I would like to note that the Albion and all of our schools in the district are doing various projects that focus in being greener for our environment. Our efforts are even rubbing off our parents in the district. During the meeting a PTA mom mentioned to the group about a neat shoe recycling program that Nike has in which people can drop off any type of used shoe they may have at the nearest Nike factory. The nearest drop off point for us is the Nike Factory Store, located at:
549 South Chillocothe Rd., #321
Aurora, OH 44202
For more information please check out http://www.nikereuseashoe.com

At the North Royalton Chamber of Commerce General Membership Breakfast held on Jan. 20th, I had an opportunity to listen to featured speaker, Mr. Glenn Haley, the President and CEO of YMCA of Greater Cleveland. Mr. Haley discussed the history of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland and the proposed North Royalton Family YMCA project and the capital campaign associated with that project. For more information about the proposed North Royalton Family YMCA check out their website at:

Monthly Constituent Coffee
I held my first monthly constituent coffee on Jan. 21st at the French Quarter Café. It was nice that a few residents stopped by to give me their feedback. Those of you not familiar with my monthly constituent coffee, all North Royalton and Broadview Heights residents living in the North Royalton School District are invited to attend. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and get feedback on how we are doing on the School Board. They will typically last for two hours and be held once a month at French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Rd. in North Royalton. Please check out my website www.danlangshaw.com for more details on when the next one will be held in February. I will also try to get some of the local newspapers to put out announcement as well in the future.


Don’t forget that the North Royalton City Council has passed a New Driving Law that severely restricts a one’s ability to use his or her mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle. The ordinance, which took effect early this month, prohibits texting or talking on the phone while driving, yet allows drivers over the age of eighteen to use a voice-activated telephone or wireless headset. However, minors, because of their greater likeliness to cause an accident while distracted, are not permitted to use such device. If you have a student driver, please make sure they are aware of this new law.

Two committee meetings this week are Wellness and City Recreation Board:

Wellness Committee Meeting
Monday, Jan. 25th @ 2pm at the Board of Education Office Conference Room; located at
6579 Royalton Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.

North Royalton City Recreation Board Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 26th @ 6pm at North Royalton City Hall; located at 13834 Ridge Road,
North Royalton, OH 44133

Job Openings with the North Royalton School District
Are you or a neighbor looking for work? If yes, then check out the North Royalton School District Employment page at:

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member

“Putting Students First”

Board Update

Good Morning:

Its official I am a member of the North Royalton School Board! I was just sworn into the Board, last week at our Organization Meeting held on January 11th. I am truly honored and humbled at this opportunity to serve all of you. This is a historic moment in my life but most importantly a historic moment for all the Broadview Heights and North Royalton residents who live in the North Royalton School District. I look forward ensuring that our students and community are always put first for the next four years as a member of the School Board. If this is the first time you are getting my e-mail updates; my previous updates can be found on my blog at
http://votelangshaw4board.blogspot.com or check out my website www.danlangshaw.com for regular updates on coming events and meetings as well. If you have a friend, neighbor, fellow PTA member who would also be interested in receiving my e-mail weekly updates please have them e-mail me at danlangshaw4schoolboard@yahoo.com and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

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It’s Official

It’s official I am a member of the North Royalton School Board! I was just sworn in to the Board several hours ago. I am truly honored and humbled at this opportunity to serve all of you. This is a historic moment in my life but most importantly a historic moment for all the Broadview Heights and North Royalton residents who live in the North Royalton School District. I look forward ensuring that our students and community are always put first for the next four years as a member of the School Board.

Board Update

Good Afternoon:

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years. This is the first of many e-mails to update you on the actions of the North Royalton School Board. I will also be maintaining my website at www.danlangshaw.com that contains a wealth of additional information that you may find useful throughout the year. So please check it out. Again, thank so much you for the opportunity to serve you all as a Member of the North Royalton School Board! Read More…