2) Work to enhance city services for families, youth, seniors, and address urgent infrastructure issues.
- Residents pay high taxes for little return in city services compared to neighboring communities. Residents deserve more for what they are paying to live in North Royalton.
- Introduce legislation to create Home Maintenance Assistance Program (HMAP) to provide low income families with exterior home repair grants to help address issues of blight in ward 3 and citywide by exploring possible partnerships with non-profits and other governmental entities.
- Support the North Royalton City School District to possibly acquire some of the old elementary school properties for future public parks, recreation, and storm water mitigation opportunities once they are closed for good.
- Explore possible new partnerships with North Royalton City School District, Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, Cuyahoga Community College, and other surrounding schools to develop more opportunities for summer jobs, internships, and apprenticeships for the youth to attract and retain them after they graduate high school and college in the community.
- Encourage more collaboration with the YMCA and community groups to provide more recreational programs opportunities for our families and youth.
- Oppose further efforts by the current city administration to dismantle the City Office on Aging and Human Services and instead will advocate for greater resources for the department to meet the needs of residents including those with disabilities.
- Support enhancing senior services to address both the needs of our growing aging population and of the whole community in which many seniors want to remain active and involved members. While investing in more programs for them like creating an Are You OK? Program to help address safety and wellbeing needs of seniors in the community with regular automated safety check ins.
- Encourage the city to revisit discussions of instituting a city leaf collection program that could also address storm water mitigation issues.
- Support efforts to enhance our tree canopy that has declined -8.6% according to the 2019 Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Urban Tree Canopy Assessment as a tool to address storm water issues in the community.
- Change land development codes to be stricter to reduce storm water runoff, deforestation, and increase flood control measures to address the more frequent 100 year storms our city keeps experiencing.
- Encourage more community education programs for storm water management, creation of a city wide storm water awareness week, increase grant opportunities for residents and businesses to mitigate historic flooding, and addressing bureaucratic obstacles.
- Continue to support recommendations from the North Royalton Alternative Transportation Study for strategic placement of sidewalks, bike lanes, improved connectivity of the city, and explore creation of a city sidewalk fund to help pay for future sidewalk projects.
- Work with the administration to address street repairs and storm water issues for Ward 3.
- Discover ways to secure additional funding sources and grants necessary to fund infrastructure needs from the county, state, and federal levels of government.
- Continue to advocate for a more permanent resolution of the decade traffic congestion and safety issues with the intersection of York Road and Abbey Road.
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